bentwings's latest activity

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    I don’t really want to mix our giant scale (1/4&1/2 roughly 1/4 scale Rc model ofvthe p 51-H . I’m constantly searching for everybidbit...
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    Ok how how about I update our p 51 H Rc giant scale Rc model. I’ve received some help on details here for which I’ve very thankful...
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    bentwings replied to the thread P 51-H.
    I did get the subscription. So I’m looking through it for dimensions. Our “ model air force” is manpower limited so we can’t crank out...
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    bentwings replied to the thread P 51-H.
    We just took prints over for enlargements once I get them back I’ll begin modifying the general outline profile . Then I’ll have to cut...
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    bentwings replied to the thread P 51-H.
    Thanks awaiting print enlargements
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    bentwings replied to the thread P 51-H.
    Oh my gosh thank you ! I missed this drawing initially. This will really help once I get the the plans enlarged . I’ll redraw the...
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    bentwings replied to the thread P 51-H.
    There are almost no Rc model plans available other than what I have also no plastic model kits other than the one from china that wanted...
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    bentwings replied to the thread P 51-H.
    I’ll also check the stab too. The D model plans I have are well proven Rc planes I realize the full size had the big fuel tank . The...
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    bentwings replied to the thread P 51-H.
    Extremely important information! Thank you I did not know this . It creates a n interesting situation . Do I make the H as a D model...