Recent content by drgondog

  1. drgondog

    Happy D-day day.

    Sombre Remeberance Day.
  2. drgondog

    Greg of Auto and Airplanes has asked for a Debate

    well, only no response on a few specifics - which he promises will be answered with proof in future Pacific P-47 series.
  3. drgondog

    Greg of Auto and Airplanes has asked for a Debate

    XP-75 was Oliver Echols answer to the Arnold 1940 issued priority of #1 to a1500mi escort fighter. Arguably it was the worst example of program management for any aircraft developed by US during WWII. Don Berlin and the power wielded by GM/Fisher deserve large share of the blame. The initial...
  4. drgondog

    Greg of Auto and Airplanes has asked for a Debate

    I didn't see the correct video, I guess. missed them.
  5. drgondog

    Greg of Auto and Airplanes has asked for a Debate

    Too simplistic. The combination of low loss rate betwee Aug 42 and May 1943, and faulty Intelligence assessments of LW losses attacking 8th AF presented a rational view that a.) losses were at an acceptable rate, b.) loss percentage tracked inversely to the strength of the attacking formations...
  6. drgondog

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    Excellent source. Do you have images of the 155gal belly tank? Based on the order size I suspect that it is designed with same lug spacing as US built belly tanks.. and would work With P-47D-2 and D-4 retrofitted wih B-7 racks.
  7. drgondog

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    we're discussing a second (non live) discussion, much more source oriented, to get closure on several open questions. Recall that Greg stated that the Kearby Wewak MOH mission was flown to Weak from Moresby. John Brunning corroberates my assertion to/from Lae - a 200mi radius difference an was...
  8. drgondog

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    IMO the following thesis was 'under researched' Define deep. Hamburg, Keil, Oschersleben, Kassel, Hannover were 'deep' but not quite same distance as Schweinfurt. Those targets were attacked during Blitz Week 2-3 weeks before Schweinfurt/Regensburg - and reprsent the first use of the Republic...
  9. drgondog

    Greg of Auto and Airplanes has asked for a Debate

    Yes - all modern aircraft of passenger type have imbedded pressure pumps. Gerg went off on a tangent when I was pressing him on the drop tanks - which until the C-9 pump mounted on drop tank,were all slaved from engine vacuum pump.
  10. drgondog

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    The 'Ford'/Brisbane belly tank of 200gal, designed by 26 Depot Squadron at Brisbane and contracted to Ford for 3000 units. It was designed to attach to the same four point suspension as the Republic 200gal paper/composite Ferry tank. The Ford tank was made of steel and was a.) reusable, and b.)...
  11. drgondog

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    Geoffrey Sinclair summarized 1942/1943 operations and strategy very well. The only point I would add is that when citations of number of escorts dispatched are made, mental context should modify the statistic to "X number of fighters escorted to and from the German/Netherlands border - or...
  12. drgondog

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    HA=Hlesworth. SM-Steeple Morden BO= Boxted. 286** (SM) refers to target distance from Steeple Morden to Duren - in which 3 ships ran out of fuel, compared to sam target from Halesworth for 56th FG of 238mi (fromHA) with same 108gal C/L tank. I used the 56th FG because it had base on coast and...
  13. drgondog

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    Clickbait or not, that was the explicit title and subject for debate, as submitted to me in writing by Greg. On the second point - He did say the 200gal Brisbane tank was adequate and cited the 5th AF as the example. Further, Greg maintained that the Republic 200gal Ferry Tank was adequate for...
  14. drgondog

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    Mistakes were made. Errors in judgment were made. Lives were lost. There really was a core cadre that believed the bomber (B-17) would get through - when budgets were tight and the dream of strategic bomardment was worthy of a place at the Joint Chief's independent of the Army. Pre-Spanish...
  15. drgondog

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    I will summarize on Youtube in future, but will also do so here. First - the Debate was about "P-47 was prevented from bomber escort by Deceipt and Treachery in 1943" The subtopic was that with the Brisbane 200gal tank the P-47 would have been entirely adequate and The P-51 was not only...