Recent content by Moose

  1. M

    Hermann Graf's Bf109G-6

    Yes. Except for the swastika and smaller markings.
  2. M

    Bf.109G-6 - "Blumen" Messerschmitt

    Superb work!
  3. M

    Hermann Graf's Bf109G-6

    Hermann Graf's Bf109G-6 (converted from a G-5) when he was commander of JG11, late '43-early '44. W.Nr. 15729. Speculation is, that it was sprayed RLM76 over its original camo of RLM74,75. Fuselage markings also dusted with RLM76 to mute them. This model is Revell's 1/32 Bf109G-6 early/late...
  4. M

    Hermann Graf's Bf109G5/6 Of Jg11

    This was Hermann Graf's Bf109G6 (converted from a G5) when he was the commander of JG11 (late '43 to early '44). Speculation is, that it was sprayed RLM76 over its original RLM74, 75 camo, and that the markings were dusted with RLM76 as well, to mute them. Looking at the photo, the chevron and...
  5. M

    1/32 Bf109G-6/AS

    Appreciate your input, and diagram. I'm actually giving myself the Trumpeter kit for Christmas, along with a different set of decals. That kit a (Bf109G-10/U4 from the WNF factory) has the larger tires, thus larger bumps on top the wings. I'm thinking maybe the Hasegawa G-14 would be the way...
  6. M

    1/32 Bf109G-6/AS

    Yeah, I know about those G-6 models Thank you. Yes, I'm aware of the G-6 Models, but the G-6/AS looks more like a G-10, G-10 Erla, or G-14, (tail, canopy, engine cowling). I was wondering which kit of those aircraft would be best to make a G-6/AS from.
  7. M

    1/32 Bf109G-6/AS

    There may not be a good answer, but here goes: What's the best 1/32 Bf109 kit to make a reasonable facsimile of a G-6/AS, without buying conversion parts? Or is that just wishful thinking? Thanks.
  8. M

    Bf109G-10/R5 (with 20mm pods).

    Thank you. Looking for G-10's specifically.
  9. M

    Bf109G-10/R5 (with 20mm pods).

    I think I saw that one earlier today on a facebook page. Had a "9" on the fuselage. From the Erla factory, I believe.
  10. M

    Bf109G-10/R5 (with 20mm pods).

    Curious if anyone knows of any pictures or examples of a Bf109G-10 with underwing 20mm gun pods. It would be designated Bf109G-10/R5 (vs R6 earlier in the war, such as Bf109G-6/R6). They were probably rare, but supposedly existed. Thanks.
  11. M


    I would have loved to meet him. I have read a little about him. I'm glad he survived the war.
  12. M


    The aircraft of Horst Pezstchler. 2./JG3 1/48 Eduard Weekend Edition. Prop blur done using my wife's hair dryer 🙂 Landing gear cloned out in some pictures. Stand made of clothes hanger wire cloned out.
  13. M

    Late Bf109 exhaust grime

    Exhaust grime is very noticeable in SOME photographs of later Bf109's, mostly high-altitude fighters like the G-6/AS. Makes me wonder... could the pilots adjust the air/fuel mixture in flight?... or would it just become richer at higher altitudes, resulting in heavier exhaust? Could it also be...
  14. M

    Horst Petzschler's Bf109G6/AS Black 14

    Yes. I've seen pictures of this one, and white 44 as well.