Recent content by Owltiger

  1. Owltiger

    Women Wanted

    Not what you think. Looking for books on women in Aviation during WWII to specifically include, the WASP, WFTD, WAFS and British WAAF and ATA. Any other nations (on either side) that also had units of this type. Of particular interest is crossover material between the WASP and 1950s FLAT pilots.
  2. Owltiger

    Two Years Lost

    Two years ago there was an excellent threat regarding what modifications could be made to the P-38. It was one of the most interesting treads I had ever read and the main writer livened up the technical with a fiction about a P-38 pilot fighting in Germany. Sadly, I was hospitalized for a bit...
  3. Owltiger

    P-38 or Mosquito?

    I may be wrong but exactly how many mosquitoes survive today in flying condition? Maybe there should be a sub-category called, "Rust vs Termites and carpenter ants."