Recent content by tail end charlie

  1. T

    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    There are many quotes there from people under interrogation. consider Goerings quotes. He was the head of the Luftwaffe and second in command of the German Millitary. In 1944 he had seen Germany kicked out of Africa, kicked out of the mediterranian, lose the battle of the Atlantic...
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    What if the LW had adopted a different doctrine/strategy?

    The LW should have appointed the grandfathers of the resident experts here to produce from a hat new planes pilots fuel spares and airfields as they do on this forum unfortuantely the same experts grandfathers will produce the USAAF to dash them from the skies at the last moment.
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    Graugeist I couldnt say any more
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    Since you are a hound for statistics you produce this statistic how many russians died fighting germany between America deciding that they were suffering "unsustainable losses" in daylight bombing of Germany and their resumption of the campaign. When you have the total then compare it to the...
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    Er what nail on what head? This munchkin sees the germans close to their own capital with a huge enemy land and air force force while the western allies are launching bombers from far away. As a munchkin to a smurf which to you is the most threatening, bearing in mind the Soviets were avenging...
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    Can I ask you with your GCE in History how informed an opinion you think that is? For example, if I suggested that it was the Stalinist purges that weakened the Soviet Union and the Soviet High Command's insistence on going into suspended animation in the face of repeated warnings over the...
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    I was talking about losses that is statistics I didnt mention heroism I repeat how many soviets died between America stopping the campaign it agreed with the soviet union and the resumption of daylight raids? The agreement as I understand it was to wage WAR the Americans stopped waging WAR do to...
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    Goerings quotes are almost as famaus as Hitlers (read a book or better still speak to a German) in addition he was known by his subordinates as the plumber because of the metal he carried about (self awarded medals) The debate as you call it is singularly one sided, the call for me to...
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    What is your body of carefully read sources? well what are yours I took History at GSE and CSE level at sixteen years old My project for the CSE grade was on operation Barberossa and its aftermath, I read history books from my early teens untll now and I have also worked in Russia China Germany...
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    Again MM that is a famous quote about Goering he produced many famous quotes. firstly you should not call him Goering but Mayer because thats what he said his name would be if ever Berlin was bombed secondly his quote about the mosquito was same as the mustang in principle (the english...
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    Drgondog it isnt the sort of research that comes up with a theory that BC and the US air force destroyed german aircraft manufacturing but that germany still had easily enough planes in 1945. Germany collapsed in 1945 that collapse started as soon as Barbarossa faltered. Neither does it...
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    Georings only WWII achievement was an art collection that was the envy of the world. The achievements of the LW were prodigeous but that was in spite of not because of Goering, at every step where he actually intervened he made a **** up mainly because he hadnt a clue and little interest in...
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    I have also read about the use of the hitler youth whose youthful aggression would make up for lack of training, it generally meant you lose a plane and a pilot but some were trained to ram anyway so wernt expected to return. Apart from that you seem to be making the same point about soviet...
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    Worlds Greatest Percussionist/Drummer....

    There was a trumpeter made a big name for himself in Jericho a while ago I cant remember his name though!
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    Who Really Destroyed the Luftwaffe?

    Well accounts vary Erich. I have read that by 1944 the LW couldnt maintain seviceability because of transport the planes didnt have spares or ammunition or pilots or fuel or a combination of the whole lot. By the later stages of the war planes fighting the Russians in the east were also under...