Recent content by Terry37

  1. Terry37

    5" 38 Mark 28 Twin Gun Secondary Battery from Iowa Class Battleships

    What scale figures are you looking for? Some wargaming figures might work or more easily adapted for the gun crew. If I can help, happy to do so. Terry
  2. Terry37

    B-24 Liberator Diorama - 1/48th Scale.

    This is truly amazing work!!! I just spent the better part of an hour reading and studying each post. I now know why i stopped building plastic models!!! I am much better off working in wood and metal, but always enjoy seeing the great work you all do!!! Terry
  3. Terry37


    My father's bomber in WW2
  4. Terry37

    Looking for thoughts on balsa WW2 models........

    You could always do my father's plane as Guillow's makes it in a balsa kit, but there's lots wrong with the color scheme and the name. . I like building balsa, but usually build from plans, and not to fly as I try to detail the cockpit, etc. I started this a good 20 years ago, and really...
  5. Terry37

    Show us your library....

    Here is part of my library, as there are five other assorted sized bookcases not shown in the closet. Terry
  6. Terry37

    Big Guns aloft in WW2

    my father put in some hours flying the B-25 G and H models. Said when they fired the 75 MM that the plane all but sopped for a second. His bombardier said the plane filled with smoke when fired. Terry
  7. Terry37

    Thoughts on the Handley Page H.P.47?

    Makes me think of the Curtis Shrike - ugly, but I love it!!! Terry
  8. Terry37

    "633 Sqn" Movie Mosquito.

    I have a small piece of fabric from one of the static Mosquitos used in the movie. It was a trainer and positioned so the yellow underside didn't show. Terry
  9. Terry37

    How do I get access to a USAF aircraft's record card?

    That was a long time ago, but I believe it was. I actually sent them some material I had so maybe that's part of why I got such help. But I recall them being very nice and helpful. Terry
  10. Terry37

    Thank you for contacting. I do not have anything for that plane. Sorry, Terry

    Thank you for contacting. I do not have anything for that plane. Sorry, Terry
  11. Terry37

    How do I get access to a USAF aircraft's record card?

    OK, I understand. Perhaps you could contact them and see what options they have that might be able to help you, and let them know you are located in Canada. I was very successful in researching some WWI pilots, including pictures, through Ottawa. Terry
  12. Terry37

    Question About Forum Protocol

    Thank you, Some forums do, that's why I asked. Terry
  13. Terry37

    Question About Forum Protocol

    Hi, I am wandering if it is acceptable to list items for sale on the forum. I am dispersing most of my vintage aircraft pieces and some aviation autographs collection and thought I thought members might be interested. However, I do not want to violate any forum rules. Thanks, Terry
  14. Terry37

    How do I get access to a USAF aircraft's record card?

    Not sure where you're located, but Maxwell AFB, in Alabama has the archives, and they are open to the public. I was able to find quite a bit on my father's Squadron and crew. Sadly he card for his plane was missing and I suspect was pulled when it crashed in he 50's and never sent back for...
  15. Terry37

    Trying to determine aircraft this original fabric came from

    I collected aircraft fabric for years, and still have quite a bit, including pieces from the last Lancaster shot down in 617 Squadron, pieces from the Spruce Goose, the only Horsa to crash over England en route to Holland for Market Garden, and a tiny piece from the Hindenburg (Mentioned only to...