Recent content by Timppa

  1. Timppa

    Erich Hartmann and his victories and overclaims over Hungary

    At least save Camilla. No part of your Anglo-Dutch wars :)
  2. Timppa

    The Great P-47 Range Debate on you tube now.

    This discussion would have been great without Marshalls' connection issues, which is understandable because he is an old geezer like me. After 1'st page the discussion went south (Is that the proper term ?) What I gather these posts: With 200 gal belly tank early P-47 (pre-D25) would have...
  3. Timppa

    Adherent or Mafia?

    Name those air forces for more meaningful discussion (without booze) :)
  4. Timppa

    Japan and Japanese Japanese vending machines, you can have dates:) I must go there
  5. Timppa

    F4U-4 Corsair contribution in WW2

    WW2 context, Finns hated British, loved Americans
  6. Timppa

    P-47N Thunderbolt vs. F4U-4 Corsair - Which was superior?

    Sorry being an old cynical bastard, but - Name of the "Uncle" is not revealed. In his place I would say it in every post in bold letters. - No unit or rank is revealed. -"Nazi people whose homes and belongings they seized for war reparations" I think it did not work that way, unless you are...
  7. Timppa

    P-47N Thunderbolt vs. F4U-4 Corsair - Which was superior?

    There's a sucker born every minute- P.T. Barnum
  8. Timppa

    Japan and Japanese

    For general Heihachiro Togo, the hero of Russian Japanese war. Tokyo journey. Sorry this is in Finnish only.
  9. Timppa

    Which popular WW2 aircraft and air combat "histories" are simply not true?

    That is what I was saying. I don't have "an approach", sorry. Jeez.:oops:
  10. Timppa

    Which popular WW2 aircraft and air combat "histories" are simply not true?

    What doublers was installed for the spars (not local reinforcements) ? Sorry my bullshit meter just peaked.
  11. Timppa

    445th BG Sept 27, 1944 - worst US bomb group loss, ever. Why?

    Excerpt from John Weal's book (Luftwaffe Sturmgruppen): Whatever decisions, if any, were arrived at, 27 September would, for the first time, see all three Sturmgruppen operating together in a single Gefechtsverband. The Eighth Air Force's objectives on that day included transportation networks...
  12. Timppa

    July 17th 1945 - 65th Anniversary Of The Potsdam Conference

    Truman to others: Where are your suits ? Churchill to Truman: Your shoes are different colors, FU. Stalin: In Soviet Union I can be naked and people still applaud, the rest are in Gulags. Truman: We have this atomic bomb. Stalin: LOL I knew it before you, succer. Truman and Stalin to Churchill...
  13. Timppa

    Your favourite open cockpit monoplane fighter?

    Fiat G.50 In the Continuation War it had better air-combat win/loss ratio (44:1) than the Brewster and the Bf109 (although there is a couple of reasons why, independent of the plane performance).