P-40 vs. Hurricane

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Private Chemtrail Disperser
Nov 8, 2004
Well since we have all come to the conclusion that the P-40 was to the US as the Hurricane was to the British lets see what is the baddest of the underated old hags!
Hey look, the Brits prefer the Hurri and the Americans prefer the P-40. Wow! Never saw that one coming!

I think it would be difficult to pick a clear cut winner. Performance was similar and low and medium altitudes (above that the Hurri would be preferred except perhaps against the Merlin-engined P-40F). What I have seen suggests the Hurri was more maneuverable. P-40 probably has the edge in a dive and in firepower.
Lightning Guy said:
Hey look, the Brits prefer the Hurri and the Americans prefer the P-40. Wow! Never saw that one coming!

I think it would be difficult to pick a clear cut winner. Performance was similar and low and medium altitudes (above that the Hurri would be preferred except perhaps against the Merlin-engined P-40F). What I have seen suggests the Hurri was more maneuverable. P-40 probably has the edge in a dive and in firepower.

Said perfectly - besides, the Brits bought P-40s, that says something! :p
Glider said:
We also took the Buffalo, which simply proves that desperate times bring desperate measures.

I know, just kidding! ;)

I think we're all going to stick to our nationalistic lines on this one. I'd go with the P-40, roll rate, dive speed and and ruggedness (although I give the Hurricane high marks on that). I think speeds at low altitude will be about the same, the Hurricane has it at altitude and probably acceleration. Maintainability - I'd give it mainly to the Hurricane, fabric is easy to fix but deteroriates.

Does anyone have information of RAF Hurricane Squadrons converting to the P-40 or visa versa?!?
Heya flyboy,
616 RAF squadron (South Yorkshire) flew hurricanes and then kittyhawks.

268 squadron flew spits and then kittyhawks, so if you rate the spit then the kittyhawk must have been ok.
Depends upon how you compare them. Best model of each? I'd go with the P-40 since it was quite a bit faster (30-40 mph) and speed is life. By year? I'd go with the Hurricane since it reached its best model (the IIC) while the P-40 was still in its early incarnations. The Hurc turned better, the P-40 dived and rolled better. The P-40 was tougher. Hard call on this one.

I think the P-40's did better against the Luftwaffe' in Africa than the Hurcs did? Anyone got any info on this?


Thanks bader! There is a site about the P-40 that tells of it's success aganist the Luftwaffe. I'll post it here soon. I'm on my way to a wedding
Lunatic said:
Depends upon how you compare them. Best model of each? I'd go with the P-40 since it was quite a bit faster (30-40 mph) and speed is life. By year? I'd go with the Hurricane since it reached its best model (the IIC) while the P-40 was still in its early incarnations. The Hurc turned better, the P-40 dived and rolled better. The P-40 was tougher. Hard call on this one.

I think the P-40's did better against the Luftwaffe' in Africa than the Hurcs did? Anyone got any info on this?



I believe the P-40 did a better job than the Hurricane in Africa, considerably so actually.

I know for a fact that the RAF's Spit's and Hurri's had a real tough time against the 109'
s during the African campaign, while the P-40 had less of a problem with them.

Anyways I'd go with the P-40, although its a tough decision.
I lean toward the Hurricane for historical reasons but I do think the P-40 was more rugged than the Hurricane and probably overall a better aircraft than the Hurricane. My vote is still up in the air at this point.

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