The New Generation Group Builds-2013 onwards

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
Okay gents, here is the new dated listing. Could a mod please make this a sticky.

The Remaining Builds:
GB.15. Aug 1st-Nov 30th 2012 - Aircraft Carrier Planes
GB.16. Nov 1st, 2012-Feb 28th, 2013 - From WW1 to WW2 1918-39
GB.17. Feb 1st-May 31st 2013 - The Jet Age 1944-45/Recon-Transport-Observer Aircraft of WW2 Split Build

The Recent Poll Results:
12 Heavy Hitters of WWII Allied or Axis, Single to Multi Engine
9 Aircraft Nose Art
9 Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII
9 Pacific Theatre of Operations land based or carrier launched WWII, Allied or Axis.
9 Seaplanes, Floatplanes of WWII, Allied or Axis.
8 Winter War and Eastern Front of WWII, Allied or Axis.
8 Mediterranean Theatre of Operations WWII.
8 Allied Manufactured Aircraft of WWII.
7 The Jet Age or What could have been.
7 Defense of Britain and the Atlantic WWII Allied or Axis.
7 Night War of WWII, Allied or Axis.
6 Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII.
6 'Post-War Warbirds' Given a New Lease Of Life.
6 Military Conflicts of the 1950s.
5 Twin Engine Aircraft of WWII Allied or Axis.
5 World War I 1914-1918.
5 Prototype or Weird aircraft.
5 Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975.
5 Axis Manufacture Aircraft of WWII.
4 Helicopters Military or Civil all ears.
4 The Reich, its Allies and there Capture Aircraft.
4 Battle for France to the Battle of Britain Allied or Axis.

The new listing with dates:
May 1st–Sunday Sept 1st 2013 - GB 18-Heavy Hitters of WWII Allied or Axis, Single to Multi Engine.
Bombers, dive bombers, tank busters, ground attack, anything that delivers a heavy punch.\
Aug 1st–Sunday Dec 1st 2013 – GB 19-Aircraft Nose Art.
Aircraft must be based on an actual example of flamboyant personal or squadron markings. This one has no set period.
Nov 1st– Sunday Mar 2nd 2014 – GB 20-Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII.
The last run of this build brought up some interesting subjects, it's worth running again.
Feb 1st- Sunday Jun 1 2014 - GB 21-Pacific Theatre of Operations land based or carrier launched WWII, Allied or Axis.
Self explanatory really but an opportunity to bring in the America, Commonwealth and Japanese aircraft from the occupation of China to the occupation of Japan.
May 1st- Sunday Aug 31 2014 - GB 22-Seaplanes, Floatplanes of WWII, Allied or Axis.
Lots of scope here from little single engine to those huge Blohm Voss mammoths if you can find the kit.
Aug 1st- Sunday Nov 30th 2014 - GB 23-Winter War and Eastern Front of WWII, Allied or Axis.
Scope to cover this bitter conflict that saw the partitioning of Poland in 1939 and the annexation of the Baltic States. The invasion of Finland in November 1939 by the USSR, the invasion of Russia (Operation Barbarossa) through to the Great Patriotic Wars that lead to Berlin.
Nov 1st– Sunday Mar 1st 2015 - GB 24-Mediterranean Theatre of Operations WWII.
Including the North African Campaign, the Eastern Mediterranean Operations, the siege of Malta and the Allied landings in Sicily. Good scope for Italian and Vichy aircraft.
Feb 1st- Sunday May 31st 2015 - GB 25-Allied Manufactured Aircraft of WWII.Scope across the board here from single to four engine aircraft in any role. Not just the main ones like America, Britain, The Commonwealth Countries, France and the Soviet Union but also countries like Poland and Czechoslovakia who had aircraft industries prior to invasion.
May 1st- Sunday Sep 6th 2015 - GB 26-The Jet Age or What could have been.
We all have a jet that we loved and always wanted to build, one that we loved to hate, one that we wished could have been and possibly would have been if it wasn't for politics or just one that has been hanging around too long in the stash.
Aug 1st- Sunday Dec 6th 2015- GB 27-Defense of Britain and the Atlantic WWII Allied or Axis.
Defense of Britain from the phony war to the 'D' Day landings in 1944 including Invasion Stripes coupled with the Atlantic War Mid 1940-1943. Opens the door for a host of aircraft, fighters, bombers, dive bombers, ground attack, land based or carrier based as well as Coastal Command aircraft either in search and rescue, ship launched, coastal or convoy defence and float planes.
Nov 1st- Sunday Mar 6th 2016 - GB 28-Night War of WWII, Allied or Axis.
Anything related to night operations such as bombers, night fighter, pathfinders, espionage operations and intruders.
Feb 1st- Sunday Jun 5th 2016 - GB 29-Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII.
Taking in all fronts following the allied invasion across the channel, up through Italy and across from Eastern Europe.
May 1st- Sunday Sep 4th 2016 - GB 30-'Post-War Warbirds' Given a New Lease Of Life.
Civilian and military use of WWII types after 1945, including air show circuit birds, water bombers and crop dusters, museum examples, civilian airliners/ touring aircraft, foreign service post war, etc, etc...Would allow some of the odd-ball post war conversions and dubious airshow and museum 'camo jobs' a look in, as well some of the smart civvy schemes worn by ex-military aircraft.
Aug 1st- Sunday Dec 4th 2016 - GB 31-Military Conflicts of the 1950s.
E.g. Korean War Jun 1950-Jul 1953, Algerian War 1954–1962, Suez Crisis 1956.
Nov 1st– Sunday Mar 5th 2017 - GB 32-Twin Engine Aircraft of WWII Allied or Axis.
Huge scope here and again we can take it from prototype to production.
Feb 1st-Sunday Jun 4th 2017 - GB 33-World War I, 1914-1918.Aircraft in military service during this war. Nice bit of scope for those decorative flying circus machines and the mighty Red Baron.
May 1st-Sunday Sep 3rd 2017 - GB 34-Prototype or Weird aircraft.
From those that didn't get off the drawing board to those ones that went into prototype production and made the maiden flight. If the prototype went into full production then only the prototypes aircraft should be considered for this build.
Aug 1st-Sunday Dec 3rd 2017 - GB 35-Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975.Good scope here for American, Commonwealth, French and Chinese aircraft either land based or carrier.
Nov 1st-Sunday Mar 4th 2018 - GB 36-Axis Manufacture Aircraft of WWII.
Scope across the board here from single to multi engine in any role, land based or carrier.

GB 37-Helicopters Military or Civil all eras.
This could includes and rotor or prop vertical takeoff aircraft experimental of conceptual, such as Lockheed XFV-1 or Osprey CV-22.
GB 38-The Reich, its Allies and there Capture Aircraft.
Scope to bring in some of the lesser known countries involved with the Axis powers and the aircraft they captured.
GB 39-Battle for France to the Battle of Britain Allied or Axis.
Giving scope for allied or axis builds, not forgetting Italy and France.

My thanks for all your help and contributions guys, one trusts there is enough in here to keep you all happy and satisfied.......................and out of mischif.
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Good stuff Vic - thanks again for your hard work. Though, if I may, please check the dates on the first build. I think you mean it to end Sept 2, not Jun 2. Also may want to add the years at the first entry and when we cross into a new year.
Many thank guys and apologies for the errors, I thought I had put the years in. I'll just put it down to this stinking chest and head cold and cough I've been battling with for 10 days or more. Am on the mend now and once again feeling like tackling a couple of choppers.

Looks like Karl has a cold too.

So Vic, 2019 to 2025 next? :lol:

Yeah c'mon Vic you can do it! we need someone with experience at this sort of thing....:D

yeah come on Vic get cracking

Geez, that would put me at 76 to eighty bloody two??????????????????? holey crap!

And I'll be right behind you Wild Bill, brandishing walking stick and megaphone trumpet. 2019-2025 you say…………………..had enough trouble with the months and chopper ears on this one. May also have to extend builds to 6 months a piece for us seniors, need more time to replace the bits we fed the carpet gremlin.

BTW. Cheers guys, it's been my pleasure.

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