Recent content by gordonm1

  1. G

    Alternatives to the historical P-38 Lightning?

    I read this question and just thought of what played out in history. There wasn't an "easy button" to press and replace the P38 so they built a second factory to build more Mustangs and tried to get Curtiss to build P47's. The USA having three great Army fighters and several good Navy...
  2. G

    Best WW2 plane for Ukraine today?

    I was thinking ME 262 might be able to intercept helicopters in a defensive role and stay out of real jet fighters' radar.
  3. G

    foamy warbird RC planes

    That looks like it could be the source photo for the plane. I wonder if they are about the remove the prop to feed the hamsters inside?
  4. G

    foamy warbird RC planes

    Does anyone know if this fits a certain variant?
  5. G

    foamy warbird RC planes

    Hello: I mostly read the WW2 aircraft threads but I was looking for an RC plane that is already in USA to dodge shipping problems from China and found this. It is offered as kind of a dummy without any electronics but that makes it a cheap tempting display to me and a possible project if I get...
  6. G

    P40 Vs all other fighters in Europe

    Yes and the British got more I left the British out of my comment and they probably had a hand in dishing out the P40 to Aussie's, Kiwi's, SAAF and such. It definitely got used in Europe but mostly before US got in with better planes. Italy still gets a tough write up where we(USA) were...
  7. G

    P40 Vs all other fighters in Europe

    The USA stayed out of Europe until Torch got things going in North Africa. Really, other than Service in the Med and Italy there was no need for USA fighters in Europe other than bomber escort until DDay June 1944. The P40 was history as a front line fighter by then and we did well with the...
  8. G

    P40 Vs all other fighters in Europe

    I thought a major point was one type was not equipped for oxygen and limited to 12,000 feet and the other was and not limited to 12,000.
  9. G

    P40 Vs all other fighters in Europe

    Greg's Airplanes and Automobiles on Youtube has a recent video on the P40. I don't know how to make the movie work here but a link is below. General things I've read here involve how it's use started before Dec 1941 when the USA was not putting a lot of money into research. The British used...
  10. G

    Meanwhile, on the Eastern Front. . .

    McHale's Navy not included? Those guys made Klink and Schultz look smart sometimes.
  11. G

    P-40 performance - Allison and Merlin compared with comments re P-47

    I watched this when it was pretty new and already it's fading in memory. I think the gist was the N model was boosted to this power level at lower elevations for 15 minutes. It's interesting 1780 HP only got it 378 mph when the early 1100 HP Allison was rated around 360 mph(possibly only with...
  12. G

    The Doolittle Raid....

    This raid troubles me because it seems we spent a lot in lives and material for one raid compared to how little the Flying Tigers got for seven months of service in China. PR moves are PR moves. I also wonder just how much the 'Tigers influenced Japan's decision to attack Pearl Harbor.
  13. G

    P-40s "particularly difficult to handle"?

    Mr. Gattling, a P40 pilot credited with destroying a warship by dive bombing talked about needing trim in a dive and was affecting P40 pilots ability to hit ships. I've read here about how much work it was to fly it with manual control of throttle, boost, trim, compared to later planes that...
  14. G

    Wanna buy an Fw 189?

    I went looking for a link but I only find the update for the BF108. I'm sorry I must have been confused between the 108 and the 189.
  15. G

    Wanna buy an Fw 189?

    Kermit Weeks in Florida has one under restoration. I just watched a Ytube update on the restoration. Mr. Weeks has a bunch of Warbirds.