Recent content by JEANBatten

  1. JEANBatten

    Where NZ says it could have done better with Covid

    of note: Nobody in NZ wears facemasks which seems a great folly. Kiwis are extremely complacent about Covid 19 and more willing to accept lockdown than facemasks
  2. JEANBatten

    WWII MISTERIES: What happened with the JU390?

    The aircraft which you refer to were Ju290 A-9, not Ju390, 290s converted as A-9 version with MTOW raised from 41.3 tons to 45 ton and yes they did fly spies &/or guns to White Russian separatists in Soviet rear areas. Ju290 A9 long range version Once converted they were given civil...
  3. JEANBatten

    WWII MISTERIES: What happened with the JU390?

    Germany had a functional low yield (ie 1kt) warhead developed by Schumann & Trinks test blasted on the Bug Peninsula, Rugen in October 1944. Later in American captivity, Goering boasted this was a 5kg warhead -entirely feasible with Lithium deuteride boosted fission techniques. The HE177 V38...
  4. JEANBatten

    WWII MISTERIES: What happened with the JU390?

    The Germans agreed with you which is why the Ju390V3 bomber prototype was scrapped in June 1944 It was too slow to survive in contested skies over New York The moment it climbed higher than 18,000 ft altitude, superchargers tripled fuel consumption . It suffered wing flutter if flown too fast...
  5. JEANBatten

    WWII MISTERIES: What happened with the JU390?

    Citing to me the wrong assumptions of others merely compounds their mistakes as your own RC+DA was not longer than GH+UK you can see the proof in this image using the Ju390 wing root for scale:
  6. JEANBatten

    WWII MISTERIES: What happened with the JU390?

    The facts prove otherwise. NO Pilot's log book identifies the V1 or V2 aircraft by their Stammkennzeichen codes. I am afraid you are just guessing. You can't refute my evidence with hard facts This is the log book of Hans Werner Lerche recording his Ju390 flight 30 October 1943:
  7. JEANBatten

    WWII MISTERIES: What happened with the JU390?

    I agree, The JU390 was rejected as any kind of bomber However the V3 prototype was static load tested for the bomber role, which is why it was rejected It is incorrectly asserted there was inly one JU390 ever built: V2 prototype GH+UK V1 prototype RC + DA Karl Kossler and Gunter Ott...
  8. JEANBatten

    WWII MISTERIES: What happened with the JU390?

    During WW2 an Argentine airline: Syndicato Condor flew two FW200 aircraft to Buenos Aires on scheduled services. i have read that an abandoned Ju88 was found in the desert of Spanish Sahara. not suggesting that a Ju88 had the range, however a German U-Boat was caught refueling at Villa...
  9. JEANBatten

    German Aircraft that could deliver The Bomb

    Precisely so, I am citing to you from his researcher/ translator Geoffrey Brook. I am not quoting science fiction. You are merely demonstrating your brittle inability to accept or process new information that you have to denounce the information or messenger to reconcile your attitude. . you are...
  10. JEANBatten

    German Aircraft that could deliver The Bomb

    conflicting with your assertion: Evidence that the Ju390 V1 WAS parked derelict, stripped of propellers at Dessau in November 1944: whilst meanwhile the Ju390 V2 was photographed at Prague in operational condition: Test pilot Oberleutnant Eisermann recorded in his logbook that he flew...
  11. JEANBatten

    German Aircraft that could deliver The Bomb

    Yes Schumann & Trinks did miniaturize nuclear weapons, the former was employed by the French to develop their nuclear weapons project Operation Teapot - my error Operation Teapot Deibner,whilst ostensibly working for the West German nuclear laboratory taught the Americans how to shrink a...
  12. JEANBatten

    German Aircraft that could deliver The Bomb

    There is nothing pro-Nazi about my views or my politics. i suggest you stick to debating historical facts before trading personal attacks
  13. JEANBatten

    German Aircraft that could deliver The Bomb

    Yes I am aware of that theory, In my view once the Nazis lost the war he found it convenient to distance himself from the Nazi ethos. Many nuclear scientists held at Farm Hall were recorded speculating whether they could be tried for war crimes? His efforts to get a nuclear pile to work were...
  14. JEANBatten

    German Aircraft that could deliver The Bomb

    The Germans developed Uranium centrifuge technology during WW2 , something the Manhatten Project never mastered
  15. JEANBatten

    German Aircraft that could deliver The Bomb

    Since COBOLT 60 has nothing to do with the Nazi boosted fission weapon your little tidbit of information relating to your limited training in use of X-rays has no relevance