Recent content by jospencer

  1. jospencer

    Healing the Wound That Won't Heal: the Reality of Trauma "Healing the Wound That Won't Heal: the Reality of Trauma." This book is a chronicle of my uncovering and healing (such as it is) the abandonment trauma and neglect I suffered as an infant due to my father's extreme World War II trauma. Norman Holweger was...
  2. jospencer

    B-24D Hadley's Harem Nose Art

    Thank you. I will try this. But the book isn't published yet so I will have to see if I can post the introduction. More incentive to get the book written and published.
  3. jospencer

    B-24D Hadley's Harem Nose Art

    Thank you for the suggestion, but exactly how do I do that? I know I can create or post to threads, but what it the way to reach the most members about my father's biography?
  4. jospencer

    B-24D Hadley's Harem Nose Art

    I was working on writing my father's biography: "Forgotten Soldier: My Father's Word War II Story: Ploesti, Romania." After writing about 1/3 of the book, I stopped. Researching and writing about the mission to bomb the oil fields at Ploesti, Romania was bringing up too much for me (I watched...
  5. jospencer

    B-24D Hadley's Harem Nose Art

    If you would like to read the introduction send me an email.
  6. jospencer

    B-24D Hadley's Harem Nose Art

    My father, Christopher Norman Holweger, was the waist gunner on Hadley's Harem. He died of war-related trauma on 6/30/1955. I am writing his biography, "Forgotten Soldier: My Father's World War II Story: Ploesti, Romania."