Recent content by Mark4032

  1. M

    Lower Engine Cowling

    yes, that's the one, I thought it was a warning just wasn't sure what it said. Thank You!!
  2. M

    Lower Engine Cowling

    on the lower engine cowling, the part that swings down, on the left side of the aircraft there is a notice printed. It's on almost if not all Me 109's. Does anyone know what it says?
  3. M

    LW primer colors

    Does anyone in this group know what color the LW used as a primer?
  4. M

    German torpedo's

    This may have been asked and answered, but does anyone know what the color(s) of the german torpedos used by E-Boats was? I'm in the process of building an S-100 type E-Boat and want to get the color of the spare torpedos correct.