Recent content by timmo

  1. timmo

    Virtual view of the cockpit of P-51

    Can't recall where the ashtray was?? !! 'Twas just the job for visiting my Girlfriend in Ceylon. = Tim
  2. timmo

    Battle of Britain Aces Fly Again

    Cosy flight - BUT, some of us were not Aces, just the fill-ins!! = Tim
  3. timmo

    Was 1940 really like this?

    Amazing effort! What a shame we didn't get into it earlier. Too much there for the likes of me to take in for useful comment, but one question - is that not Don Kingaby who you rescued from the sea?? = Tim
  4. timmo

    RAF Pilot Training Hours 1940

    Ridiculous claim. It's just possible that some pilot might take 20 hours to solo!! But hours per se meant little. I had 70 on Tiger Moths 70 on Harts Hinds. One trip in a Master on joining the Squadron. Fat lot of good that did!! = Tim
  5. timmo

    This Day in the Battle of Britain

    Naco - how can I best print out your whole story without other comment? That photo - it makes me squirm to see idiots doing the 'egg spoon race' carrying their 'chutes risking a trip by various leads/connections. I would have been airborne before they reached their aircraft!! = Tim
  6. timmo

    This Day in the Battle of Britain

    Sorry, Njaco - didn't mean to repeat. References - ah, yes! Should have remembered that they were all there. = Tim
  7. timmo

    This Day in the Battle of Britain

    How much of your excellent spiel is 'freehand', Njaco - how much out of which references? = Tim
  8. timmo

    This Day in the Battle of Britain

    How much of your excellent spiel is 'freehand', Njaco - how much out of (which) reference? = Tim
  9. timmo

    Men's hairstyles in WW2

    How about one of ours?? = Tim
  10. timmo

    This Day in the Battle of Britain

    Thanks, Njaco - couldn't seee how to delete the existing one. = Tim
  11. timmo

    Anti-Aircraft weapons

    Thanks, Colin - I missed that. I've written to the paper will have a severe word with Cyril - I have his number!! Medals? He means these commem ones which everyone receives - And yes - we've all been invited to...
  12. timmo

    This Day in the Battle of Britain

    Tried to commemmorate yesterday here but you were off-line, so put it elsewhere. Maybe worth a repeat? = Tim No1 Son says that it doesn't indicate that it was my first day on a Squadron. PPS How DO I delete that enter a link??
  13. timmo

    Pilots and their Pets

    Hilly Brown - RCAF - in No1 Squadron, 1940. = Tim PS - meant a Canadian in the RAF
  14. timmo

    Anti-Aircraft weapons

    Tim- 1. 'Smallprint' shows that it was Sweeps, Standing Patrols Bomber ESCORT - rather than us bombed up. When they went to France, it was all bombing straffing Typhoon Tale shows Jimmy Kyle doing 160+ such sorties. One ploy we used was to cross the Channel at 0 feet - + a whisper - then...
  15. timmo

    Anti-Aircraft weapons

    Height? No problem in any. Plenty of seat adjustment. But an Irvin Jacket on broad shoulders in the Spit was a bit tight! How do you mean - only over France? We shot down the first Me210 over northern WEngland. We did V1 stuff. And, of course, we were often over France. No - missed...