z42's latest activity

  • Z
    z42 reacted to tyrodtom's post in the thread Canopy aerodynamics with
    Have you ever noticed in some older cars the instrument dials can be seen reflected in the windshield, under some light conditions, like...
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    z42 reacted to GregP's post in the thread Canopy aerodynamics with
    The aerodynamic penalty is almost nothing. If you look at the most often-quoted specs, the turtledeck has a best speed of 444 mph and...
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    z42 replied to the thread Canopy aerodynamics.
    Intuitively, I'd say curved side windows are better. To know exactly how much better you'd need wind tunnel tests and/or CFD. And enough...
  • Z
    z42 replied to the thread Canopy aerodynamics.
    This bubble canopy provides both good visibility and good enough aerodynamics for Mach 2. Compared to WWII planes distinctive features...
    • amics_F-16_Fighting_Falcon_3-view_line_drawing.svg.png
  • Z
    z42 replied to the thread Drag of annular/drum radiator.
    The Brits spent a lot of effort to develop high(er) pressure radiators, which enabled their radiators to be smaller and thus less...
  • Z
    z42 reacted to SaparotRob's post in the thread Potential China military base in Solomons with
    Available spices and seasonings.
  • Z
    z42 reacted to BarnOwlLover's post in the thread Italian vs. Japanese WW2 Tanks with
    From what I read, early on the IJA tanks had the advantage of being there, since it was believed that they couldn't operate in the...
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    z42 reacted to The Basket's post in the thread Italian vs. Japanese WW2 Tanks with
    We laugh at Japanese tanks but look at the much vaunted Panzer divisions in May 1940. Plenty of I and II in that deck. So Japanese and...
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    z42 replied to the thread Why no Fw 190H but the Ta 152H?.
    Oh, absolutely. Perhaps I wasn't clear about that. If you want to get rid of BMW, say, the RLM probably have to tell them in 1935...
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    z42 replied to the thread Why no Fw 190H but the Ta 152H?.
    No disagreement here, but my question was actually "who", as in which manufacturer, if you want to go a step further.
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    z42 replied to the thread Why no Fw 190H but the Ta 152H?.
    Yes. An evergreen topic, we've been through this in multiple threads. Beyond pruning the various projects that were mostly just a suck...
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    z42 replied to the thread Why no Fw 190H but the Ta 152H?.
    IDK. Apart from the reliability issues the 801 seems to me an decent enough engine when it was introduced in autumn 1941. Perhaps a bit...
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    z42 reacted to tomo pauk's post in the thread Why no Fw 190H but the Ta 152H? with
    Do you have a source for the 250 kg weight penalty for the wing spar (spars?), steel vs. light alloy? Germany have had the problems in...
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    z42 replied to the thread Why no Fw 190H but the Ta 152H?.
    Well, opening fronts to the north, south, east, and west, without access to strategical resources like, say, petroleum, and then on top...
  • Z
    z42 reacted to tomo pauk's post in the thread Why no Fw 190H but the Ta 152H? with
    Writing was at the wall by the time 1941 ended - neither UK nor the Soviet Union were defeated (not at least some kind of an uneasy...