Recent content by zanenobbs

  1. Z

    Free Russian airforce

    Thanks! Is this the original version? It still translates to a Ta-154 and two Me-262s in part 2. The German translates to one Me-262. Probably never know for sure, but it's fun to investigate!
  2. Z

    Free Russian airforce

    Which issue? I'd like to get a copy. I can translate it from the original.
  3. Z

    Free Russian airforce

    The Russian translates to this: "In the meantime, the organization of the 3rd reconnaissance squadron (Captain S. Artemov, originally equipped with Fi156) continued in Cheb, but then the emphasis in the training of its flight personnel shifted towards the fighters and it received two Bf109G-12...
  4. Z

    Free Russian airforce

    According to the page in Russian, the ROA (POA) received two Me-262s. I've modeled one of them as "Red 1" from the Me-109 decals. I've also posted an article on the Me-262 in foreign service as well as post-war variants and aircraft it inspired at the International Resin Modellers Association...