2012 Art Contest: Apprentice Class Progress Thread

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
This thread is for everyone who is entering the art contest in the Apprentice Class. Apprentice Class is defined as someone who has seen more art in museums and books than they have actually tried doing. Don't fret! You CAN do it!.

Post some pics of your progress, what you are using and maybe a bit about your background in art....or not :)

One Request: Unlike the Group Builds which have a dedicated section, I don't want to clog up the Off Topic section with numerous threads. So post your stuff here. Plus you get everyone admiring your work and it won't be lost among the threads.

Gentlemen, start your pencils!
Just saw this tonight and I'll give it a try. I used to try to draw aircraft all the time when I was about 12 years old. I think I'll get some sort of book on how to draw aircraft and try to go step by step.
I've been trying and I can draw a nose and fuselage alright, but as soon as I try for the wings everything starts to look like crap. I just picked up a good drawing and will keep watching youtube and attempting to create something that kind of looks like a P-40.
Here's about an hour's worth of drawing and erasing. I started to try the cockpit but got a little too frustrated tonight. I'll try to finish tomorrow.


  • IMG_3494.JPG
    190.7 KB · Views: 239
Good start mate!
Remember to make the port wing a little shorter than the closer starboard wing to capture the effect of distance.

Nice idea with the center line too- check your lower canopy line in relation to it....should be more parallel.

Keep up the good work! :thumbright:
Try starting by drawing an oblong box for the fuselage, in '3D', marking the centre line through the box. Add another, slim 'box' through it, for the wings, and another for the tail planes and so on. From here, the actual shape of the fuselage and wings can be drawn in, using the 'boxes' as a datum. Once the basic shape is there, form and detail can be added.
One more week before judging starts - get your finishing touches on your pics and post'em!
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