Eduard 1/48 Bf-110C

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Nov 16, 2008
While waiting for the Future on my Monogram P-51 to dry (see separate thread in this forum), I started on my Eduard Bf-110.

Here's the beginning stage of assembly. There are so many tiny pieces, I decided to assemble chunks before painting. I usually paint some parts while they're still on the tree but there were just so many small bits that this just wasn't worth while. The coloured photo-etch instrument panel comes with the kit and is the usual Eduard work of art.

The pilot's position is assembled for painting. The throttle cluster alone is made up of 7 pieces with all the levers having to be individually applied.

This one will be a work in parallel with finishing the Mustang.
Thanks all. Progress will be a little slow while I finish my Monogram Mustang (separate thread) but will post progress when major stuff done.
Well, the 110 is back on the workbench after taking a hiatus to finish a kitchen reno. Needless to say modelling is more fun.

The cockpit is finished and the fuselage halves glued together. The fit was excellent and just little sanding will be needed on the fuselage joints. No putty so far!


Spent some time on the wheel wells. Some references I saw had bare metal panels as well as RLM 02 so that's how I painted them. I drilled out the holes in the back of the nacelles and added rivets using a scribing tool. I debated whether to cut out the sidewalls of the recessed area as these appeared to be uncovered with the spars exposed but talked myself out of it.

Currently working on the guns. I had a separate post going about the colour of the of the compressed air bottles (blue = same as oxygen?) and the tubing arrangements but no responses. So I stuck with the blue as suggested by Eduard and ad-libbed the stretched sprue tubing as best I could based on photos and other references in these threads. So far only two of the MG 17's are installed so I could finish the lower tubing. More pics to come from the finished gun bay when I get there.

There's a lot of great discussion in these threads and I've been reading related topics diligently. It's great to see John Vasco on board - John if you read this, you'll be happy to know that I bought a couple of your books and they're on the way! Based on other stuff I've read, I've heard opinions that the Kagero books are not always to be relied on - and I have two volumes of these on the 110. Great info from Evgeny, Maximowitz, and others has given me lots to chew on for colour schemes but I'm not yet decided.

The kit is for the C model but has the parts for the E. No trop filters and enlarged oil cooler fairings though. I'm sure I will do something in the Wespe theme and I have several related decal sheets but none have a Wespe scheme that I have the kit parts for. So it's down to maybe winter camo like this one but I don't have the white 'S' decal. Maybe I'll make it.

Kagero says this machine is an E-1 from II/SKG 210, pilot unknown. Spinners are white/yellow/black. Fuselage band and lower wing tips in yellow but the 'S' is not repated under the wings like on some other machines. Can any of you 110 afficianados verify this? There's also a scheme of Kutscha's machine, also an E-1 with code S9 + FP, with 'F" in yellow also of II/SKG 210. I've seen another Kutcscha machine as S9 + NN but have decals for neither one but I could borrow/steal from elsehwere or maybe even make them.

Looking forward to feedback on schemes, references and any other constructive suggestions!
Thanks everyone.

Dirk, the instrument panel is actually a 2 piece colour photo-etched unit that comes with the kit. Can't take credit for painting it.

Angels, it is an excellent kit overall, highly recommended. However, there are some quirks to it that could be improved. Fit is excellent in places and poor in others. Almost every photo and review I've seen so far has talked of a tough fit between the nacelles and wings and I'm finding that, too. There's an absence of enough locator pins so you have to be very precise when gluing the wing and fuselage halves together. I'm also finding the kit a little over the top in detail and small pieces, even for someone like me who likes a lot of detail. For instance, there are many parts that make up the MG FF's and they look great - until you install it in the cockpit and find out that you can't see 90% of the detail. The exhaust stacks are all individually glued to a spacer piece that is then glued into a recess in the nacelle. That's 28 parts total that have to be lined up carefully and yet these are not hollowed out. I chucked the lot and paid 5 bucks for a detail set from Quickboost which looks great.

More photos to follow.

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