Consolidated B-24 D 42-72875 picture sought

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Capt. Vick

Jul 23, 2008
Long Island, New York

A co-worker of mine recently told me his namesake uncle was navigator on this Liberator that was shot down on November 12, 1943 while on a mission to Bremen, Germany. Sadly he was KIA along with most of the crew. Was wondering if anyone might have access to a picture of this bird. Might have been called "Lady Liberty", coded "K". Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Jim
Got a conundrum there with that serial number, Jim. Not listed here... B24BestWeb 16000⊕ PICs - WWII B-24 Liberator Bombers Joe Bauger has this...


This book...


...has this. The yes means there is a photo


Typing that serial number into the above website gives us "Miss Liberty" FreeFind Site Search Results
Got a conundrum there with that serial number, Jim. Not listed here... B24BestWeb 16000⊕ PICs - WWII B-24 Liberator Bombers Joe Bauger has this...

This book...

...has this. The yes means there is a photo

Typing that serial number into the above website gives us "Miss Liberty" FreeFind Site Search Results
Great information my friend. Thank you. Another observer recorded the opposite happening. According to a statement from Richard C. Coleman, 1st Lt, Air Corps:

"On 13 November 1943 at approximately 1120 the undersigned saw plane 42-72868 crash into plane 42-72875. Plane 42-72875 passed over from the left of our plane and went to the right and fell into position 300 to 400 yards off our right wing. Another B-24D, 42-72868 came over and smashed into plane 42-72875. The no. 4 engine of plane 42-72868 hit behind the No. 1 engine of plane 42-72875. Plane 42-72868 immediately broke up and the other plane went into an almost vertical dive. We followed the plane from our position and saw it go down for 2000 to 3000 feet."

I don't know if the who, what or where can ever be answered at this point, but the hunt for a possible picture goes on. Interesting that the name might actually be "Miss Liberty". That is a gem.

Connelly Jr., Sam R.

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