Recent content by tyrodtom

  1. T

    Pilots aiming at cockpits?

    Those gun camera films are replayed in slow motion, aren't they ? Filmed by a high speed camera, and replayed at a slower rate, so you can better see all the movements and strikes, then sound effects added at some point. If it was replayed at the actual speed it happened, it would be so...
  2. T

    Erich Hartmann and his victories and overclaims over Hungary

    Some air forces never even officially awarded the victory to the individual pilot, the IJAAF for one. They were awarded to the squadron. And the only way know how many each pilot got was by their log book. Some IJAAF squadron commanders discouraged, or even forbit the display of victories...
  3. T

    Pilots aiming at cockpits?

    Whatever that is, I invented it.
  4. T

    Pilots aiming at cockpits?

    I think we've all known characters who loved to say outlandish things just to shock people. Especially when they may be a little drunk.
  5. T

    Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

    Silly me, I meant to post that in the "pilots aiming at cockpit " thread.
  6. T

    Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

    Some of you have a lot more confidence in the accuracy of the "official records" kept by combatants than I do. I, myself, on orders, was in on a scheme to falsify records just so our inventory ( munitions) reflected what we actually had. Me and 2 other enlisted men worked a frantic about 40...
  7. T

    How much faster is an aircraft with wooden surface?

    I'm an autobody repairman, been doing it just a little over 50 years. About every aircraft I been able to look at close in person has appalling fit and finish, compared with a car. Ripples around rivets, if you look down the sides under the right light the ripples in the panels are easily...
  8. T

    Pilots aiming at cockpits?

    Well dude, bullets can go through the pilot, and parachute while the pilot is still in his aircraft, he parachutes out, and dies on the way down. Plus a lot of aircraft disintegrate in midair, what shape do you think that body is in when it reaches the ground I've seen a body that fell about...
  9. T

    Pilots aiming at cockpits?

  10. T

    Picture of the day.

    I saw protective paper, or a film, on plexaglas panels shipped to replace damaged panels in the early 60's. Seeing as how easy it is to damage plexaglas I doubt that it took them that long to figure out how to protect them before or during installation.
  11. T

    Pilots aiming at cockpits?

    How was the list of Luftwaffe pilots shot while in their parachutes compiled ? By witnesses that saw it with their own eyes ? Or by the presence of bullets wounds in the bodies of the pilots who had used a parachute ? The last method proves nothing, and the first method seems pretty...
  12. T

    Picture of the day.

    How many days warning did they give them to do this ? Just imagine how pleasant it would be to paint the bottoms of the wing with a big brush.
  13. T

    The airplane that did the most to turn the tide of the war.

    You could say the Zero helped start the war (or tide ) in the Pacific, and the B29 certainly helped end the war in the Pacific, but neither turned the tide. If Britain had opted out of the war in late 1940, who knows how that would have effected world affairs from that point on. You can't...
  14. T

    The airplane that did the most to turn the tide of the war.

    To me reversing the tide means to turn things around, not accelerate the rate of getting better. IMO that only applies to 2 aircraft, the Spitfire and Hurricane in the Battle of Britain. At the start I looked as if the Luftwaffe was going to flatten the RAF, leaving the defense to the Royal...
  15. T

    Greg of Auto and Airplanes has asked for a Debate

    That's why I said Greg was being dishonest about this, he's a airline capt. with thousands of hours in the very aircraft he describes as having unpressurised fuel tanks and that has nothing to do with the situation of the WW2 drop tanks. He knows, and he doesn't care, he just doesn't want to...