1/48 B-26C - Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII. (1 Viewer)

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I think you are right about the OD paint. I have noticed that effect in a couple of images more.
Always liked the Marauder. Looking forward to this one Karl.
Cheers mate.

You couldnt make it up, i have been looking for an RAF Marauder for ages but could only find ones with large nose art that i could not replicate.
Well whilst looking for the earlier posted pictures i found one with no nose art and markings i have decals for ! :evil:

So now do i switch and go with an RAF OD/grey or stick with Barracuda.......
Very nice choice Karl and great gift Terry. Not sure if your kit was the same as mine Karl but here's a link to my build to show you the issues I had. As mentioned, different builders had different issues. **** DONE: 1/48 JM-1 Marauder - Allied Manufactured Aircraft

Adding the stripes to a B-26.


Caption says, "...nothing scientific....chalk lines and a wide brush..."

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Super Choice, Love the Marauder. Geo just did one in Navy markings a bit back. may want to look at that for some extra input. Super cool.
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I think I'd stick with your subject Karl, unless you want some alternatives in OD/NG from 9th USAAF - I've got quite a bit on the Marauder, in various dedicated books on the aircraft, and the 9th AF, including some good colour pics and profiles, which you can browse through when you come over.
I think I might have seen one, possibly two pics of a RAF Maruader in OD/NG, but from memory, this was a trials aircraft, I think at A&AEA, Boscombe Down.
All of the 'British' Marauder squadrons were with the SAAF, and operated in the Middle East, mainly, if not totally, in 'deset' camouflage. Although there were some later models, the majority were the short span, 'small tail' Marauder Mk1 and 1a, which can't be modelled from the kit.
If you use the relatively new AK metallic paints, it shouldn't be as difficult to achieve perfect seams and joints, as these paints are airbrush ready, and can be sprayed over a 'normal', matt grey primer (or gloss or matt black if desired), as well as direct onto the bare plastic.
Being able to use a grey primer should help a lot in concealing joints, seams and imperfections, and from what I've seen in a couple of video tutorials, it really looks like good stuff - quite looking forward to trying some, and might do a NMF P-47 for this GB if time and hands allow.
Very cool subject! The NMF plus invasion stripes will really make this one pop. Looking forward to it.
I think I'd stick with your subject Karl, unless you want some alternatives in OD/NG from 9th USAAF - I've got quite a bit on the Marauder, in various dedicated books on the aircraft, and the 9th AF, including some good colour pics and profiles, which you can browse through when you come over.
I think I might have seen one, possibly two pics of a RAF Maruader in OD/NG, but from memory, this was a trials aircraft, I think at A&AEA, Boscombe Down.
All of the 'British' Marauder squadrons were with the SAAF, and operated in the Middle East, mainly, if not totally, in 'deset' camouflage. Although there were some later models, the majority were the short span, 'small tail' Marauder Mk1 and 1a, which can't be modelled from the kit.
If you use the relatively new AK metallic paints, it shouldn't be as difficult to achieve perfect seams and joints, as these paints are airbrush ready, and can be sprayed over a 'normal', matt grey primer (or gloss or matt black if desired), as well as direct onto the bare plastic.
Being able to use a grey primer should help a lot in concealing joints, seams and imperfections, and from what I've seen in a couple of video tutorials, it really looks like good stuff - quite looking forward to trying some, and might do a NMF P-47 for this GB if time and hands allow.
found exactly as you say upon further research Dogsbody so will stick with "Barracuda"
will probably stick with Vallejo paints as well, will do different shades of grey to change the sheen of the silver a bit here and there !

get the Beaufighter finished by sunday and i might open the box on this one.
You guys are sooo funny !

The marauder is on my bench ready to be started on sunday, my next day off work !
Spent most of yesterday looking for references for my Bf 110 G-2, what a minefield that is......

Was looking through Gerry's thread in the Messerschmitt Focke Wulf GB and might end up doing the same subject as his if i have time !
ok so i have now found out the interior colours of the B-26 are as much of a minefield as late war LW colours !

so i made a start, i wont get the fuselage closed untill i find some more lead weights as i have used all my .22 air rifle pellets on previous builds ! :rolleyes:
yes the yellow on the seat cushions is rather streaky but to be honest it looks better in the fleah and will be fine under the canopy.


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