B-24 Liberator Diorama - 1/48th Scale. (3 Viewers)

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Apologies for the lack of up-dates - I've been spending quite some time studying loads of reference pics and videos, and then planning what to add where.

Although only a small part of the waist area will be visible on the finished model, especially at the anticipated viewing angles and distances once on the diorama base, some detail needs to be added. As previously mentioned, I do not intend to "go overboard" on internal detail, as, given the circumstances mentioned, this would be pointless, and a waste of time and materials.
However, where there's a clear view of an area, appropriate detail items will be included, and in those areas where it may be possible to see that at least something is there, some basic representations will be included, and these will be described and illustrated as the build progresses.
I had intended to add basic representations of some of the internal structure in the waist area, forward and aft of the open gun hatches but, having checked the viewing angles through the kit windows, I've scrapped that plan,. and only added some minor details in those areas where it might just be seen, or would be noticeable if there wasn't anything there.
Examples are the additional frames and stringers, and a section of rear flooring, shown below and, eventually, at least some of the prominent oxygen cylinders, which have yet to be added.
There's still a lot to do, but so far the frames and floor have been done, the gun mount pintles added to the waist "tub" and the parts given their base colours, and the vertically stacked ammo boxes for the rear turret scratch-built.

The pics below show the progress so far in this area, and I hope to post a further up-date over the weekend.
Meanwhile, I must thank forum member "Gunsights" for providing the dimensions for the Sperry S-1 bombsight, which I'll eventually scratch-build.

B-24 Diorama 523.JPG
B-24 Diorama 528.JPG
B-24 Diorama 529.JPG
B-24 Diorama 530.JPG

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