Cylons or Rise of the Machines

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Senior Airman
Jan 7, 2017
I couldn't resist being the first to post.

Officially, I think Cylons are dangerous for many reasons.

But they are terribly efficient.

"By your command."
"There's nobody flying that thing!"
"What do ya hear, Starbuck?"

Ok. I'm done. Thanks.
Since Rise of the Machines was a bad continuation of a promising concept enacted in two excellent initial films, and Battlestar Galactica began as a corny but likeable film and TV series, then graduated to a serious, gritty and exceptional series later, it's hard to say no to the Cylons, but at least Terminator began well with a great back story.
Yeah battlestar Galactica.
70s version was as camp as a row of tents.
The new version was raw and brilliant for it.

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