Done : Bf-109K-4 IV./JG 53 Gruppe Build

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Cheers Wayne

Does the underside look glossi enough to you guys? Its dry

I can't find this dam "Klear" stuff:mad:

In the mean time I've been trying abit of weather on my B-26 ,your opinions would be appreciated


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Looking great mate!

One suggestion with dry brushing silver make sure the brush almost has no paint whatso ever on it. Then gentley brush the areas you want highlighted. Initially a metallic look will appear and then gradually become more silver or more appropiately 'worn look'.

Keep it up my friend :)
The '109 looks glossy enough in the pic Daniel.
If you want to tone down the silver for the weathering on the B26, add a very small spot of matt white, and dry-brush as described. This will make it a more dull alumininium colour, rather than bright silver. Don't worry too much about maybe overdoing it on the B26, as the Marauder was known for having extremely heavy paint wear, as shown in the attached pics. I think it was a combination of the paint type, and the very smooth surface probably, allied to British/European weather!


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You kept that one hidden Terry! 8)

Looking forward to seeing your Marauder when it's done Daniel, and more progress on the 109 :thumbleft:
Thanks Daniel (and the other guys!), it's the 1/48th Revell kit (ex-1970's Monogram). Still got a bit to do on it, which will be done when it's on its diorama base in Part Two of the Diorama Guide.
Anyway, back to your thread, I only posted it to show that heavy weathering isn't always overdone!!
Sweet! My Marauder is the same kit (I think) except released under the eski brand

Will apply decals to bottom of me 109 this afternoon and post pics tonight (Cheers guys!)
:oops: practiced with the orginal decals ....literally split into a million pieces

Don't wana wreck Wayne's so I'm gonna wait for this "klear" stuff to arrive (I found some online!)
My thoughts exactly mate

Cheers Dusan! Been playing round with the Marauder ,will have some pics of my lastest attempt later on
Painted the prop , messed up the colour


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