DONE: Chance Vought F4U-1 Corsair of Lt. Ken Walsh, VMF-124, White 13 Group Build (1 Viewer)

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Good stuff Catch!

Coors, it sounds like a good day to watch your baby grow. Go grab it and hit the bench, we'll hold your hand along the way.. :lol::)
And so it begins!

I did the customary post model cleanup, as I finished both the Avenger and Corsair II last night. I'll post final pictures of the Corsair (such as it is) on the weekend, and the Avenger when I get my Helldiver and I know where I'm sitting for weapons.

Wayne's great link is no longer any good as the person's photobucket account no longer works! I found this one though, which seems to be a good substitute, even if it's a different plane:

Tamiya 1/48 F4U-1 Corsair

There's a lot of confusion to what colours things in the cockpit of the early -1s were painted, but I ended up going with Cleaver's method for painting mine as it was the most detailed I could seem to find. A personal coup: I got those stupid control panel decals on, and they really do look good. I spent about 2 hours on it today, and I got a lot accomplished. You'll notice I didn't paint the wheel wells, as they will be painted in the bottom colour (I have it, I just can't recall the name right now!), as Walsh's Corsair would have been in-theater long enough to have seen some repairs and therefore some repainting.

I'm quite pleased with it so far, I could have gotten most of the construction done tonight if I didn't stop myself! I guess that's what happens when this is your fourth of the same kit, you know all of the ins and outs and possible problem areas (with this kit, there really aren't any, just slightly trickier parts).






Sorry for the pic quality, my camera's not so good at closeups! Though that last one is exceptionally bad, as normally I can get shots like those without any issue...
Looking good mate. Try coming back slightly with the camera, as it's focussing on the bench beneath the model. Then you can select the part of the pic you want, crop and re-siz to suit.
Well, the camera's battery died! So no pics tonight, but I got the rest of the wings on, flaps made, engine assembled, and I filled that little foot hole in the flap. Basically I just crammed as much plastic card as I could in there then sanded it down and put filler on it to fill anything else that maybe have been open, and it worked quite well! Painting tomorrow hopefully, if we get our compressor back! I'll be quite unhappy if we don't.
And I did get it back! I didn't have time to post pictures yesterday because I painted and went straight to my buddy's house to watch the Stanley Cup finals. Damn Pittsburgh...

Anyway, here are the shots I took this morning:




I have to dirty the engine up still, but I was itching to paint so I ended up doing that first! :lol: The rest will get painted this morning, hopefully I have enough paint...
Thanks Terry!

No Dan, I elected not to have the wings folded. Apparently it's easy and works quite well, and looking at the construction I would believe that too, but I think Corsairs look better with wings out, ready to go. Also, I wouldn't imagine they'd fold the wings with any regularity on the strips in the Solomons.

Got the top blue on today, went on beautifully, no bleeding or anything. I'm going to get as much done today as I can, and then I'll post pictures before I go out tonight.

One question though. If you look at the profile on the first page, it has the tape on the wings. I know what it's for, I'm just not sure how to best replicate it. I have some decals for some that came with my -1A kit that I converted into a -1D (Pacific Fleet, not for the GB, as it was well prior), but I'm not sure how those would look. Would an actual tape be a good substitute, or would it be too thick? I was thinking white hockey tape. Dan'll know what I mean, but it's like a woven fabric tape.
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