**** DONE: GB-35 1/48 F-8E Crusader - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975 (1 Viewer)

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Thanks Michael. So I have most of the left side done and waiting to dry before I add some stencils. I had to add a few slits to the intake warning decal; a triangle attempting to go around a curve. Anyhoo.....I added a wing decal and this happened while using Mr. Mark Setter.........


...please note that it was also added to the two black rectangles by the tail and nothing happened. This has happened before so I let it dry a bit and started to add a dabbing of the solution around the smaller blemishes...


Very odd. I'm kind of afraid to use it never knowing how it's going to react
It's frustrating when things behave inconsistently like that. Makes modelling like a box of chocolates if you know what I mean. You did extremely well on the fix though. Can't see that you had a problem there.
Thanks guys. Its still slightly there Andy, good camera angle. I tried to get the slight ghost off and it got a bit worse. Let it dry and tried again and it got a bit better. I'm very perplexed as to what is causing the reaction. The surface is gloss coated with Future that set for over 7 days. I'm using a No.1 brush to spread the Mr. Mark setter so its not like its pooling, eating through the Future and causing the reaction. It doesn't react the way with all decals. The one thing I just noticed is that it happens on larger decals, the "NP" above and think back to my PBY build and the reaction occurred on the large wing roundel and the effect happened in the direction I was brushing on the solution. Maybe its reacting with whatever the decal is top-coated with, the bigger the area the worse it gets. Anyhoo.......I've swapped over to Microscale solutions for the remaining few decals
Looking sharp George
That white blotching happens to me quite a bit when I use Solv-Set over Future. It appears to be a reaction within the Future. It doesn't seem to matter how much time you give the Future to cure. I solve it by dipping a Q-tip in Windex and gently rub the area removing the blotch and the Future, then re-apply the future with a brush.
5 decals to go. The only reason I'm posting this photo is a warning to others. The instructions would have one put the wing star and bar decals on the same wing....left side. The star on the bottom goes on the right wing

Good catch - you're right.

Glenn, that Solv-a-set is powerful stuff. It's the first and only decal solution I've used since I returned to the hobby maybe 12 years ago and I've learned to not leave it on the surfaces for very long. I always have a rolled up tissue ready to sop up excess after maybe 15 to 30 seconds of sitting on the decal. With that method, I've never had issues with it affecting the Future coat. I've not used that Mr. Mark Setter before but maybe it's got the same aggressive properties.
Looking v good Geo :thumbleft: I use the Microscale system and have never had a problem. Mr Mark Setter might be more aggressive so Andy might be right there if it's allowed to pool and sit on the surface.
Thanks all. 4 pieces to go and all involving the clear parts. The canopy and windscreen interfere with each other and they both have to fit into their respective slots so reducing the lengths won't work. On top of that, the rear canopy bulkhead interferes with the seat. Solution....remove some of the rear bulkhead at the bottom and pose the canopy open. Not the best fit but doable. Hoping to have final pics up tonight.


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