**** FINISHED: GB-56 1/72 P-38J - Thunderbolts and Lightnings

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 6, 2005
North Delta BC
User name: Bustedwing
First name : Graham
Category: Advanced
Scale: 1/72
Manufacturer: Italeri
Model type: Lockheed Martin P-38J
Aftermarket decals

Thanks to everyone who posted up pictures of this oddity ! I ended up printing some of the decals which turned out surprisingly well. It is an interesting addition to my fleet of Luftwaffe aircraft !

P38 (33)r.jpg

P38 (34)r.jpg

P38 (43)r.jpg

P38 (44)r.jpg

P38 (37)r.jpg

P38 (38)r.jpg

P38 (47)r.jpg

P38 (48)r.jpg

P38 (49)r.jpg

P38 (50)r.jpg
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