GB-40 1/48 Boeing B-29A Superfortress - Heavy Hitters III (4 Viewers)

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Hate to start crying this far out but I may be looking at an extension on my two Heavy hitters. The B-24 forward nose split on me while attempting to mount the sexton bubble and I used CA gell to work that but it's it taking more time to move forward as other things keep interfering with progress. Same for the Superfort.

Using a 50-50 window cleaner / Vallejo Aluminum mix this what it is looking like. I might have done more then I should have but hey. It's a test shot well check it after it drys real well.

Well BLANK, BLANKITY, BLANK, BLANK, BLANK! After a week to dry it's not holding. I'll have to strip it again. The area in the aft where I was holding on to paint more peeled right off. Any advice. I stipped the Alclad off with mineral spirits and then washed in warm soppy (Dawn) water before the Vallejo Aluminum was applied.

Looks like some kind of reaction from the painting! You have a clearer idea of what could happen, Don?

I also use the metal paintings of Alclad and that has not happened to me; But it would be important to know what happened.

Surely you will solved forward, but you do not have to undress everything, or do you? It's not enough about 3 to 5 cms. around the damaged area?

Buena suerte amigo :headbang:
Not sure what happened Don, might have been something on the surface below the Alclad. Vallejo is a bit finickier than other paint but I haven't seen that happen. I wear surgical gloves after painting
OK, so I picked up some acrylic paint stripper and now the B-29 smells like an orange grove. I'm going to go with either Testors Model Master metallics or Alclad. I picked up a set of SAC metal landing gear for it with the extra weight it should help.

O and this is my other bench, really it is there somewhere at least it's the last place I left it.


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