GB-42 1/48 P-40F - MTO II

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Jeff Hunt

1st Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2012
Guelph Ontario Canada
Username: Jeff Hunt
Name: Jeff
Level: Intermediate
Kit: Hobbycraft P-40 F/L
Scale: 1:48
OOB build

Gonna throw this one into the mix.
I plan on finishing this one in the Ecole de Chasse a/c white 5 based in Morocco in 1944.

Pics to follow.

Looks like a fairly simple kit as well as a simple c/s so if I ever finish my Betty I will get this one underway and she should not take too long.



Good one. Word of wisdom from Brett Green:

"Kit engineering is quite conventional. I have built a few of the AMtech variants of this kit and the only troublesome area is the fit of the engine cowling panels. I recommend that these panels should be glued in place before the fuselage halves are joined. Last time, I "tacked" the panels in place with super glue, then made the bond permanent with liquid glue. There may also be a gap at the wing root join. Check the fit before gluing the wing to the fuselage and, if necessary, a spreader bar can be installed to widen the fuselage."
Nice one Jeff. I just went through my build from seven years ago. As Andy posted, glue the inserts in first. I glued from the back and when set worked my way forward. My inserts were also short so I added plastic strip to the front.



Gaps at the wing roots as well, nothing insurmountable.

Now that the Betty is finished it is time to peck away at this model. The French P-40s were transfers from American stock so I assume the interior colours should reflect the American heritage of the bird. Anyone know any different?
Got a start on this one. As always, the pictures show where a few little touchups are required and these will be taken care of in time. As I mentioned before, this is a kit that is not very complex so she should come together fairly quickly. I have another example of this kit so I may find time to do it up in RAF desert colours.

Anyhow, here is where she sits for now.



A nice start. :thumbright:

I'm not sure but the cockpit interior should be either the ANA 611 ( FS 34151 ) or the Yellow Green ( Curtiss Interior Green) . The one you have used seems to be of too much yellow tinge for the P-40 version.

Yellow Green - ANA 611.jpg

or it could be the Du Pont 71-036 Cockpit Light Green if the plane was obtained from RAF and was the US built to RAF specs. In the case Curtiss could use the Du Pont equivalents of RAF colours.

DuPont No 71-036 Cockpit Light Green.jpg
Good start Jeff. The YG on Wojtek's chip can be easily achieved by adding a touch of black to the colour you already used. May not be worth taking everything apart again though.
I agree with Andy. The YG colour can be achieved in that way. Also some of silver can be used for the mix. Additionally, the pilot seat seems to be of incorrect shape and should stay unpainted, as memo serves. But as it was pointed it may not be worth to dismantle the cockpit.

And here is a nice colour image that shows the cockpit tone ...


the pic source: P-40 desert scheme
Pulled it apart and repainted. Soon to be reassembled. Pilot seat natural metal but I cant do anything about the shape.

Thanks all for your advice.

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