GB 54 Pacific Theater Starts May 1

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Nov 16, 2008
This GB starts in a little over a week. Here's where you can declare your intentions or ask questions.

This Group Build is for any military aircraft of any nation involved in the Pacific Theatre of Operations between 1937 and the fall of Japan in 1945. The arena is large and can include the China/Burma/India (CBI) theatre, the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the Bering Sea, South Pacific, and SW Pacific areas. Land theatres and battles in the region (Dutch East Indies, New Guinea, Guadalcanal, Aleutian Islands, etc.) are also included.

I have Tamiya's venerable 1/48 Ki-61 available for this but will need to work up some willpower to launch into it. If I do, it will be the first Japanese subject I've tackled in over 45 years.
Hmmm....I know I have a couple of P-40's in the stash but I need to check which markings they come with. I'm fairly sure I don't have any Japanese subjects.
Excited for this! Sounds like a good reason to finally start that Doolittle Raid B-25B I've kept stashed since last semester. Will have a late start (not able to work on models until May 15th or so), but very interested

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