It shouldn't happen to a Chef ! (1 Viewer)

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Inspired by George's My World thread, i thought I'd write down some of the wierd, sad, rude and hopefully funny stories i have seen and been part of in 30 odd years of working in hotels and restaurants.

So here goes.

Worked in a town centre hotel that had a problem with pigeons on its roof.
One day the Head chef saw a pigeon in the kitchen and had us chefs turning the place upside down trying to find it.
After about 30 minutes of fruitless searching, none of us found it.

"where did you see it ?" Asked the Sous chef.

"It flew past my office" he says.

Que me looking embarrassed 😳

"What did you do ?" Asked the Sous.

"I threw my dirty oven cloth into the laundry bin next to the Chefs office !" I replied.

Yep it was my cloth the Head Chef saw fly past his office out of the corner of his eye.

I'll post more every now and again.
Inspired by George's My World thread, i thought I'd write down some of the wierd, sad, rude and hopefully funny stories i have seen and been part of in 30 odd years of working in hotels and restaurants.

So here goes.

Worked in a town centre hotel that had a problem with pigeons on its roof.
One day the Head chef saw a pigeon in the kitchen and had us chefs turning the place upside down trying to find it.
After about 30 minutes of fruitless searching, none of us found it.

"where did you see it ?" Asked the Sous chef.

"It flew past my office" he says.

Que me looking embarrassed 😳

"What did you do ?" Asked the Sous.

"I threw my dirty oven cloth into the laundry bin next to the Chefs office !" I replied.

Yep it was my cloth the Head Chef saw fly past his office out of the corner of his eye.

I'll post more every now and again.
Clearly not an Italian restaurant. Those squabs would have been harvested and in the pot making sauce for risotto.


the event coordinator comes into my kitchen.

"Chef, do you have any long rubber gloves ?"

"why ?" i ask.

"the Brides Mother has dropped her false teeth in the toilet" comes the reply

"tell her to fish them out herself" i say

"she wont as she has already had a shit ! " she shoots back

i gave her the gloves..........
Yes it does say meat free breakfast with crispy bacon
so get to work at 05.30, walk in kitchen to find a large puddle of water covering half the kitchen.

night porter comes in and says "had a look its coming out of the dishwasher, been dripping all night "

i ask if he's tried to mop it up ?

"no" he says

i then ask if he knew where its coming from, why not put a bucket or deep tray underneath the dishwasher to stop it getting worse ?


so i ask are the footprints on the dry half of the kitchen from him where he's been walking through the water all night ?

"yeah probably !"

me fights urge to punch night porter in the throat and close kitchen and go back home to bed.
so get to work at 05.30, walk in kitchen to find a large puddle of water covering half the kitchen.

night porter comes in and says "had a look its coming out of the dishwasher, been dripping all night "

i ask if he's tried to mop it up ?

"no" he says

i then ask if he knew where its coming from, why not put a bucket or deep tray underneath the dishwasher to stop it getting worse ?


so i ask are the footprints on the dry half of the kitchen from him where he's been walking through the water all night ?

"yeah probably !"

me fights urge to punch night porter in the throat and close kitchen and go back home to bed.

Are you saying my son works there Karl? 🤣
You need Collosus to crack that code on that obviously top secret document out of 43.
Dead easy mate.
B bacon
S sausage
Bp black pudding
T tomato
M mushroom
Hb hash brown
Bb baked beans

Bt/wt brown or white toasted bread
T/C is tea or coffee

R is room number
T4 is table number

A 2x at start of order is 2 people a 2 above a letter is 2 items

See easy :lol:
A young lady friend, back around 1987, liked Chinese restaurants and one in particular. I used to comment on the "mystery meat" at various places until she commented she knew what kind of meat it was at her favorite Chinese place. I told her, "The reason the back door at Chinese restaurants is left open is to allow cats to wander in to supplement the mystery meat menu." One evening after sunset, we drove on an access road which ran behind "her" Chinese restaurant, and perfect timing, I called her attention to the open back door with a black cat walking in. She never ate there again.

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