Midwest Aero restoration Bf 109G 410077 rebuild flies?

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 26, 2021
I saw reported that the impressive rebuild of Bf 109G 410077 flew at Midwest Aero on 25 May 2022. Anyone got pictures or info on that? Congrats to those involved!

Thanks Snautzer! Yes, a good link. I see it lists Steve Hinton for the first flight on 23/5/22. I am still looking for links of the flying! ;)

Thank you very much for posting that video Crimea!
So, that looked like a very nice flight by the great Steve Hinton, who seemed pretty pleased. And who would not be! Flying a 109 is not straightforward. Certainly looks like it went well and I would love to see more. Thanks!

The smoke at the start of the takeoff has had comment on the Flugzeugforum. Having watched the ground running and testing video's, there doesn't seem to be the usual drips or wet patch on the floor under the rear end of the engine. That is where excess priming fuel and oil draining down inside the lowest point of the intake manifold, just in front of the throttle, normally has a drain, in fact a 4mm DIN7608 item on early engines and a 6mm size on the 1943 partslist. This is an open drain, usually with a short mast that drains just behind the oil cooler flap and accounts for the often seen black oil stain on underfuselage drop-tanks in wartime photo's. So, with no drips seen on the video's, I wonder if this is draining? It might account for the smoke on opening up for takeoff if there is oil sitting down there.

For anyone wanting to watch some great in cockpit Bf 109G Video, try searching Youtube, "Flugmuseum Messerschmitt" and go down the vids to "Flying Bf 109 G-4 Red 7/ Restored After Roskilde Airshow Crash".

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At first I wondered why Bud Granley was staring at the sky during the takeoff roll of the FHC Bf 109E in this video. Then, I realized that he was monitoring the engine instruments through the reading part of his bifocals.
I don't think he is looking up to monitor the engine instruments "through his bi-focals". You can see when he looks down in-cockpit to do that, every now and then. I guess the high camera view from this head mounted camera is exaggerating the pilots best efforts to see ahead and have some directional view.
A great aircraft, well operated.

WAS well operated. We'll see how things go now that's part of the Walmart empire.
I meant that the flying and pilot skills appeared good. I have no knowledge of the management, set-up and admin of the operators.


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