Rochie's Pics

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Greenery in December! What a novel concept! Nice photos Karl.
I don't get it... It's green here in December, that patch of graded dirt will be the new city hall, which will spoil the view from my office.
Imagine Clearwater City Hall.png
A superb thread Karl, as you'll see by the scattering of reactions, I've just wandered right through it, you've a great eye for an interesting shot & composition. 👍
I'll drop back from time to time. :blush:
the next day we decided to do the walk around Conic hill

starting in balhama, climbing the hill and then continuing around to the village of Milton and back to our start point, we clocked up around 8.5 miles includind the 361 m climb up Conic hill, which was pretty steep in places !


view up Conic Hill from our start point, weather was overcast with some low cloud rolling in and out but not too cold


some views about half way up


the dog near the summit, ok for him he had 4 wheel drive and then we made it.

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