What made me sad today... (2 Viewers)

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First and foremost to Marcel, my most sincere thoughts and prayers for, if not a cure a remission. There are tremendous strides being made these days fighting cancer.
Now, today is a day that I NEVER even dreamed, in my wildest imaginings, would EVER come to pass. The STATE (AR) legislature is debating a bill that if passed and signed would, BY LAW!!!, regulate who would be allowed to use what public bathroom. One can only imagine HOW this will be enforced.
"Display equipment or lack thereof before entering" ;)
I'm too old for this modern world.
Now I freely admit going into the girls locker room on occasion BUT, I did have the decency to pretend that I had suddenly been struck blind.
Oh, so you had to feel your way around.
Now, today is a day that I NEVER even dreamed, in my wildest imaginings, would EVER come to pass. The STATE (AR) legislature is debating a bill that if passed and signed would, BY LAW!!!, regulate who would be allowed to use what public bathroom.

Many states have had such laws on the books for a long time, some from as far back as the late-1800s at least.
I think they are talking more about toilet doors - then again - same thing really.
Funny you should mention that...
We have an HOA, but ours is fortunately very relaxed. They are simply more concerned with people leaving trash in their front yards, or simply letting their houses fall a part. Overall, though, they leave us alone. I'm actually running for office so I can ensure I am on the inside to prevent some stupid Karen from screwing it up.
Do they allow mail in votes? What's the address?
Well, yesterday I said goodbye to my absolute favorite automobile of all time, my 1978 Toyota Celica.

Over 20 years ago I had arranged to have some body work and painting done on that car. A friend of mine took it to his shop. But a mutual friend of ours, a WW2 vet, became terminally ill and he spent much time helping him. Then a drug dealer offered to rent his shop for a higher price than he was paying, and got him kicked out. We put the car in my airplane hangar but then the FAA expressed concern over non-airplane things being stored in airplane hangars and I had to move it into a storage unit. I thought I had found another guy to fix it but that fell through. Then they raised the price of the storage units from $130 a month to $207 last year. I had to face the fact that I have so much going on I'll never be able to fix that car. Among other things, I have a 1997 Celica that needs a new clutch, new rear oil seal, and new CV axles. I found someone who was interested in the 78 Celica and gave it to him.

So goodbye, old friend.
Well, yesterday I said goodbye to my absolute favorite automobile of all time, my 1978 Toyota Celica.

Over 20 years ago I had arranged to have some body work and painting done on that car. A friend of mine took it to his shop. But a mutual friend of ours, a WW2 vet, became terminally ill and he spent much time helping him. Then a drug dealer offered to rent his shop for a higher price than he was paying, and got him kicked out. We put the car in my airplane hangar but then the FAA expressed concern over non-airplane things being stored in airplane hangars and I had to move it into a storage unit. I thought I had found another guy to fix it but that fell through. Then they raised the price of the storage units from $130 a month to $207 last year. I had to face the fact that I have so much going on I'll never be able to fix that car. Among other things, I have a 1997 Celica that needs a new clutch, new rear oil seal, and new CV axles. I found someone who was interested in the 78 Celica and gave it to him.

So goodbye, old friend.
I had a ta-22. You ?

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