*** Winners – JUDGED COMPETITION GB 24 “Mediterranean Theater of Operations ” ***

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
Apologies for the long wait in presenting these results, thanks for your patience….

The Winners for GB 24 are….

Category 1 Beginner / Novice / Casual CATEGORY.

We had 5 completed entries in this Section of the GB with a Tie for First Place, it was a Tight finish, the difference between all the entries a mere 3 points!

1st Place : Serge - Dr.Serge for his 1/48 Bf109G-6
1st Place : Dave - Tigerdriver for his 1/48 Bf109F-4
2nd Place : Jeff – Jeff Hunt for his 1/48 SM79
3rd Place : Jeff – Jeff Hunt for his 1/48 Cr42

Category 2 Intermediate / Casual CATEGORY.

We had a Big 10 ! completed entries in this section from our Members, a great effort!

1st Place : Stephane - le_steph40 for his 1/48 Spitfire Mk.IX
2nd Place : Stephane - le_steph40 for his 1/48 kittyhawk Mk.III
3rd Place : Alberto - Al49 for his 1/32 P-39Q

Category 3 Experienced / Expert CATEGORY.

3 Members completed 5 models in this group and a tie for Third place, again the scores were very close with only a few points separating the final results!

1st Place : John - for his 1/48 P-47D
2nd Place : John - for his 1/48 typhoon Mk.IIB
3rd Place : Glenn -T Bolt for his 1/48 P-40F
3rd Place : John - for his 1/48 Fiat G55S

CONGRATULATIONS therefore go to Serge Dave, Stephane and John for their Winning entries and also to the second and Third place getters in each category.

We once again appreciate the time and effort put in by all participants at the various levels, and the outstanding exchange of Information, Hints, Tips, Parts and Decals to those who required something to help their project, this alone shows the fantastic willingness of ALL to help each other and is the real backbone of the Group build experience….

Please continue to support the Group Builds in any way you can whether you build something or just enjoy watching others do their stuff!
We want this to be a friendly atmosphere and above all…..have FUN first and Foremost!
A BIG Thanks to…The Judging Panel for their time and effort !
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A big well done from me as well guys, this one was a toughie to work through and as Wayne says, it was "Oh So Close". Winners or not, you all deserve a big pat on the back.
I'm with all above. Congrats to all of winners and participants. Well deserved wishes for your all great work on models. :cool: :thumbright:
Yes, Bravo to all of the winners, participants, judges and posters. I'm amazed at the amount of sharing and good vibes that this site has thrown my way. It's definitely helped grow my model building into areas that I knew nothing about just a year ago... working with photo-etch, resin, scratchbuilding, paint chipping, pre-shading, post-shading, etc. All of the builds were tremendous and win or lose, I had a blast contributing three models to this GB. I will wear my icon proudly.

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