1st PLACE INTERMEDIATE: Bf109E-1 Jg54 Yellow 10 Battle of Britain Group Build

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T Bolt

Mar 24, 2010
Chicago, Illinois
Bf109E-1 Jg54 Yellow 10 Battle of Britain Group Build

User name: T Bolt
Name: Glenn
Category: 2, Intermediate
Kit: Tamiya 1/48 Bf-109E-3
Scale: 1/48th.
Modifications: The Tamiya Bf109E-3 will be modified to make it a BF109E-1. Scratch built seat cushion harness.
Accessories: Aero Master Decals, True Details resin wheels and a Squadron vacuformed canopy

Here are the official six pictures plus four extra. This camouflage scheme stretched my airbrush skills to the limit. I hope you guys like the results.

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This by far out of the three builds takes the cake Sir.:thumbleft:

but I might add Glenn though in the future to maybe tone down staining for the gunports.I find myself looking at them when it should be the whole model less suttle;different color or dirty up the background more?Not trying to be to critical just an ob.Kevin Cheers
Thanks guys I appreciate the feedback.
but I might add Glenn though in the future to maybe tone down staining for the gunports.I find myself looking at them when it should be the whole model less suttle;different color or dirty up the background more?Not trying to be to critical just an ob.Kevin Cheers
The staining did turn out a little heavier than I had intended. In the past the pastels seemed to fade by a factor of 50% when I sealed them with Dullcoat so this time I applied them a little heavier so naturally they didn't fade. :rolleyes: Oh well I'll just say that at the height of the battle the mechanics were to busy patching holes and keeping them flying than cleaning them up.

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