A-26 Invader

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Airman 1st Class
Dec 23, 2003
The A-26 invader,is in my opinion one of the best medium attack bombers of all time. What plane do you know of that was developed in world war two and went on to serve in three wars,And its still used today as a water bomber!!!!.reply to this message on what you think of the aircraft :D
Viper said:
The A-26 invader,is in my opinion one of the best medium attack bombers of all time. What plane do you know of that was developed in world war two and went on to serve in three wars,And its still used today as a water bomber!!!!.reply to this message on what you think of the aircraft :D

There is no doubt that the A-26 (which became the B-26 upon the retirement of the Martin Marauder) was one of the finest examples of it's type ever flown. It was certainly extremely versatile, given the number of modified variants the USAF came up with over the term of its service life. The Douglas company outdid itself with this plane.
fixed the attachment mod. this is just to put the pic that i think your tried to upload.


  • im_a26invader.jpg
    23.4 KB · Views: 6,781
Viper said:
Thnx for the pic it was the one i tried to upload :D
great pic viper, the a-26 was a heck of a strong offensive aircraft. I wouldn't want to be on its target list. :)
have anyone more pics of this or other planes?
loved to see them if you do :D
cill said:
Viper said:
Thnx for the pic it was the one i tried to upload :D
great pic viper, the a-26 was a heck of a strong offensive aircraft. I wouldn't want to be on its target list. :)

Neither would I. The ground attack version packed six .50 machine guns in the nose (plus four more in twin tail and dorsal positions), with an additional *ten* machine guns could be mounted in special packs (eight on the wings in pairs, two more on the outside of the fuselage). Plus, the twin guns in the dorsal mount could be locked forward and fired by the pilot. This meant that an enemy target would be facing no less than *sixteen* .50 caliber machine guns! :shock: Imagine having to face that much firepower...
corpcasselbury said:
cill said:
Viper said:
Thnx for the pic it was the one i tried to upload :D
great pic viper, the a-26 was a heck of a strong offensive aircraft. I wouldn't want to be on its target list. :)

Neither would I. The ground attack version packed six .50 machine guns in the nose (plus four more in twin tail and dorsal positions), with an additional *ten* machine guns could be mounted in special packs (eight on the wings in pairs, two more on the outside of the fuselage). Plus, the twin guns in the dorsal mount could be locked forward and fired by the pilot. This meant that an enemy target would be facing no less than *sixteen* .50 caliber machine guns! :shock: Imagine having to face that much firepower...

Whoops, my mistake! Make that *eighteen* .50 caliber machine guns! :oops:
in reply to the very first post on the "A-26", i believe the canberra bomber was introduced as early as 1950, and is still in service with the RAF today
I would agree that the A_26 was a fine aircraft, but in refferance to the change over from the designation of A-26 to B-26, one must be very caerful. The two are simmilar, and did the same types of jobs, but that dose not mean that they should be concidered in the same breath. I think the B-26 was a little more versital, but really it was the crews in theature, mostly the Pacific who would come up with the different applications and Armorments.

Dose anyone know of any flying now?
MP-Willow said:
I would agree that the A_26 was a fine aircraft, but in refferance to the change over from the designation of A-26 to B-26, one must be very caerful. The two are simmilar, and did the same types of jobs, but that dose not mean that they should be concidered in the same breath. I think the B-26 was a little more versital, but really it was the crews in theature, mostly the Pacific who would come up with the different applications and Armorments.

Dose anyone know of any flying now?
umm... The A-26 was called the B-26 in vietnam(B-26 Counter Invader)And the Old b-26 and the A-26 were two very diffrent aircraft,and the old b-26 was decomissioned in 1948 and the a-26 was decommissioned in 1970,In my opinion the Old model of B-26 was not even in comparision with the A-26 in preformance
The Invader is one of my fav World War Two planes. Looks sleek and tough at the same time and carries a helluva lot of guns. Ironically I think I like the plane so much because of the movie 'Always'. I only hope Air Spray in Alberta keeps their fleet long enough for me to get out there and fly one! Flying a plane that flew in WW2?! I can dream!!

-- Chris
A26.... Wtf is wrong with the design. A shark face on the airplane? It would of been a better design for children's toys from that cheesy look.
not all were painted with the sharkface genius it was just a crew preference havent u heard of bomber nose art? or did u think all b17s had memphis belle on the nose?

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