Current music is bad for your health

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Sep 19, 2006
After flat earth and chemtrails, I found my new favorite conspiracy theory.

The current tuning of the tone A being 440Hz is bad for your health. It should be 432Hz. Because 440Hz lacks mathematical significance and it's out of tune with the natural world and wider universe.....
According to this theory, the natural way is using the Schumann frequency of 8Hz, that would give 16Hz for the next octave etc, until you get to 128Hz which should be the C prime. That would give 432Hz for the A. If you play music at A=432Hz, your mind will be more relaxed and it will cure you from any disease. Verdi new this, which is why he composed all his music in 432Hz. They claim 432 Hz was the standard before 1945 when the standard of 440Hz was established.
Of course this new standard was set to suppress us, just like we are forced to wear shoes and have to sleep on beds, to prevent us from connecting to the earth...

Of course this is all bollocks, the Schumann frequency is actually 7.86Hz and following their logic, the tone A should be closer to 430Hz. Before 1945, there hardly was a standard, tuning differed from 420Hz all up to 465Hz, the French were the only ones setting a standard at 435Hz, not 432Hz. Further more, music exists of other tones, all very different from the 432Hz and after all, Hz is based on seconds which is a value based on nothing anyway....

Anyway, some nice subject to think about if you love music. I personally prefer the 440Hz, as it gives music a bit more clarity and note definition. 432Hz sounds dark to me, while others claim it sounds warmer. Question of personal preference I think.
There must be a lot of nurture in this, what you are brought up with affects what you like. I spent a year in China and 6 months in Japan, their traditional music is out of tune to my ears but 1.4 billion can't be wrong.
I've known musicians who tune to A432. I've always tuned to A440. Having done sessions and sit-ins with 432ers, I found the adjustment very easy and natural either way. The biggest factor for me as a guitarist is string tension, and even that is small enough to not be a speedbump. The strings are looser at 432 by a small amount, but it takes no effort to accommodate if you've got your ears and your fingers paying attention to each other.
I've known musicians who tune to A432. I've always tuned to A440. Having done sessions and sit-ins with 432ers, I found the adjustment very easy and natural either way. The biggest factor for me as a guitarist is string tension, and even that is small enough to not be a speedbump. The strings are looser at 432 by a small amount, but it takes no effort to accommodate if you've got your ears and your fingers paying attention to each other.
Sure. We play some Soundgarden songs and quite a few are at 432. It's not hard to change as it is not even a semi step down.

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