**** DONE: 1/48 Gloster Gauntlet II – From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Vic Balshaw

Major General
Jul 20, 2009
Username: Vic Balshaw
First name: Vic
Category: Judge – Non competing
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Aeroclub which was a short run injection mould kit.

Extras: Not sure really as I've a box full of tricks including white metal parts, thin plastic rods and a lot of basic plastic bits, so who knows what I'll come up with. It is quite possible that what is in the box is a kit and a half having gleaned a few bits and pieces of spares along the way. The decals of which you can see rough prints of will also have to be designed and adapted to the vouge of the time.

Though I'd chip in with this one as well just to keep me out of mischief until Christmas holiday.

Again I'm doing this model for my 56 Squadron flight line, this particular aircraft served with 56 Squadron between May 1936 and June 1937 which by today's standards is but a dip in the ocean. Of the whole squadron flight line from 1916 to 2005, this is one of two aircraft missing from the display.





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Very cool :D Is that fishing line or something like stretched sprue in the last pic? :D
Nice one Vic. Every time I've tried to get thsi kit for my 56 Sqn collection, I miss out!
I've got some profiles of 56 Sqn Gauntlets, and scale plans, if you need them - just shout.
Thanks folks and double thanks Terry, but I figure I'll be okay. I've had the kit quite a long time and all the extras of plastic rod and white metal have been leftovers from other builds.

I will have to spend quite a bit of time cleaning up the white metal parts as they have loads of flash and odd bumps in places they shouldn't be.
With the Brisfit Bill, a spare wheel was fixed under the fuselage and they also carried bags of spares strapped to the side, pilot an observer were usually good mechanics as well and on occasions the pilot would take a fitter along to do the observing.
Looks like Gladiator! 8)

Jan, that could well be the next one off the chocks me old mate.

Have made a start by getting shot of all those excess bits not required and am in the process of cleaning off all the flash from both white metal and plastic.

Taking a close look at the instrument panel and I think I'm in for an adventure. We will see. Pic's in a couple of days hopefully.

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