**** FINISHED: GB-45 1/72 Dornier Do 18 - BoB/Foreign Service

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Tech Sergeant
Dec 6, 2005
North Delta BC
Username: Bustedwing
First name: Graham
Category: Advanced
Manufacturer: Revell ( Matchbox)
Scale 1:72
Model: Dornier Do18 G-1/D-2
Add ons, Lots of scratch building and PE seat belts.

Enjoyed building this despite some greif ! 2 Dornier flying boats down, 1 to go. ( the dreaded Mach 1 Do 26)
Thanks to all the help from others as well on this build.

Do18 (93)rg.png

Do18 (94)rg.jpg

Do18 (95)rg.jpg

Do18 (96)rg.jpg

Do18 (97)rg.jpg

Do18 (98)rg.jpg

Do18 (99)rg.jpg

Do18 (109)rg.jpg

Do18 (85)r.jpg

Do18 (86)r.jpg
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However there is the lack of a pic showing the front port side.
Thanks every one, I'm just glad to be out from under it but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out.

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