++ GB 31-Military Conflicts of the 1950s - Discussion

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Nov 16, 2008
Pretty quiet on the GB front so I hope everyone north of the equator is enjoying their summer. The next GB runs from Aug 1st to Sunday Dec 4th 2016 (the horror!) and the topic is GB 31-Military Conflicts of the 1950s (E.g. Korean War Jun 1950-Jul 1953, Algerian War 1954–1962, Suez Crisis 1956)

I guess I could have kept my Israeli Spitfire MkIXe for this one but since I hope to finish it for GB30, I'll have nothing in the stash for this one. What's everyone else doing?

We broached the subject of potentially splitting this GB and to run a second theme in parallel and some suggestions were thrown out there. These are summarized below:

Spanish Civil War - Sergio
Holland/Belgian Campaign - Sergio
Training Aircraft of WW2 - Andy
"North of 60" - WW2 in the north (Norway, Finland, Northern Russia, Aleutians) - Andy, liked by Wayne
WW2 RAF Aircraft - Andy
WW2 Over Water - another one for carrier based long range patrol, or amphibious aircraft but could also be land-based ship busters - Andy
Biplanes of WW2 - Andy
"Other Nations" GB (Excluding the Big 5: USA, England, Germany, Japan and Russia) - John
Aces GB - John, liked by Wayne

And then Harrison dropped by on his annual visit and suggested these:

Tank Hunters/Dive Bomber Aces
Bombers that flew 25 or more missions
Battle damaged aircraft
Eastern Front

So, let's start this discussion. Who's all got something lined up for the 50's conflict? Anyone want to split and, if so, what theme would you pick? Or do you have another to suggest? I'm eyeing a Finnish Gladiator for "North of 60"
Well, I'm trying to catch up with the well overdue commission builds, and I also want to get the darned Mitchell finished, along with a couple of other models in the half-way stage, so I was going to try to miss out on a couple of GBs (yeah, right !).
But, I picked up a Hasegawa 1/32nd scale F-86 Sabre a while back, for a ridiculously low price, and I'd really like to build it, more or less OOB, and try out those AK Interactive metallic paints, so the Korean War period would suit me.
However, if the majority want to split the GB, then that's fine by me.
as I have for a British hunter following the Suez War, s-199 Israeli, Jordanian spitfire and some American fighters of the Korean War
If we're gonna ride on this wave of finishing kits....maybe this one:



Major P. Hagerstrom's F-86F-30, 67th FBS, 18th FBG, "Mig Poison" flown from Osan-ni Air Base (K-55), Korea in '53....
I have plenty in the stash that would qualify:

F9F Panther
F-86 Sabre
F-84 Thunderjet
F4U-5N Corsair
F-82 Twin Mustang
French P-63 King Cobra
C-119 Box Car
FB9 Vampire
Hawker Sea Fury

I'm leaning to the Sabre and the King Cobra but still undecided
Happy for any extra subject to be added for a Dual GB to expand the potential number of builds....

I'm pretty well covered for the original single theme, just need to pic a subject to do from my choices...
I was planning on doing a North Korean MiG-15, most likely an Eduard kit in 1/72 scale. I've wanted to try a smaller scale aircraft and a Korean War subject is culturally relevant for moi. More interested in a camo-'d Mig versus the NMF but decal choices are limited. Haven't really thought about any other subjects beyond that since my primary interest is in WW2. I'm good with a dual GB but haven't really given much thought as to which might be the best. I assume that entries for both would be housed under a single GB31 sub-forum?

I'm still buggered by the non-existence of the current GB sub-forum. It's ok now but it'll be a bit inconvenient once the next GB goes live. Not sure if it has anything do with the downturn in recent GB activity but it can't be helping.
I'm still buggered by the non-existence of the current GB sub-forum. It's ok now but it'll be a bit inconvenient once the next GB goes live. Not sure if it has anything do with the downturn in recent GB activity but it can't be helping.

The Mods are handcuffed concerning some of the Forum features until Horse shows up(if ever, been almost 6 months since his last visit)
Yep. Still nothing can be done. So the temporary marking for highligting of the upcoming GB , the "++" sequence will be used. Maybe this can make easier to id the GB threads.

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