*** GROUP BUILD #16 “From WW1 to WW 2 ” – Winners - JUDGED COMPETITION ***

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Wayne Little

Oct 7, 2006
Adelaide Sth. Aust.
The judging and tallying of the votes for Group Build #16 has been finalised..
Without further delay, Here are the Winners for GB 16:

Category 1 Beginner / Novice / Casual CATEGORY.
We only had 1 completed entry in this Section from Members.
1st Place in this Category goes to : Dave - Tigerdriver : for his I-16 type 10

Category 2 Intermediate / Casual CATEGORY.
We had 5 completed entries in this section from Members
1st Place in this Category goes to : Paul – Meatloaf109 for his Heinkel He51
2nd Place in this Category goes to : George – Fubar57 for his Curtis P-36C Hawk
3rd Place in this Category goes to : Sergio : Destrozas for his Vultee V1A

Category 3 Experienced / Expert CATEGORY.
We had 2 members go head to Head in this battle…and
1st Place in this Category goes to : Bill - N4521U for his Grumman F3F-3
2nd Place in this category gores to : Glenn – T Bolt for his Curtiss A-8 Shrike

So…CONGRATULATIONS go to Dave, Paul and Bill and also to the second and Third place getters.
And a BIG Thankyou to all members who found the time to participate in this Build, finished or not.
Again we had a broad range of different models presented by our members and judging was by no means easy.
We appreciate the time and effort put in by all participants at the various levels, and the outstanding exchange of Information, Hints, Tips, Parts and Decals to those who required something to help their project.
Please continue to support the Group Builds in any way you can whether you build something or just enjoy watching others do their stuff!
We want this to be a friendly atmosphere and above all…..have FUN first and Foremost!
Thanks again goes out to…The Judging Panel for their time.
Wow, seriously amazed! (Chuffed? Is that correct?)
Congrats to all, and thanks to the judges for their time.
But, honestly, I thought everyone elses entries were nicer than mine.
Thank you judges and congratulations to all the others. I really enjoy these GBs for the wealth of info that is shared by all and the encouragement given. It also forces me to finish what I start.


EDIT:Lord tundrin jaysus Charles....I just noticed it. I LOL'd
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It's an absolute and total surprise. I'm humbled.
I like Paul, thought Glenn's is a much better looking bird than mine. That's why I voted for his in the poll.
To all the other entrants a big well done, both for just entering and for winning 1's, 2's and 3's.
We're all winners for having your examples in the GB!
A little bit belated because of being on duty yesterday but my sincer congrats to the winners and all participants.
:cool: Really well done Mates. :thumbright:
Only just noticed the results have been posted. Very well done and congratulations to all. Place winners and entrants have all done a fine job, and as Wayne mentioned, the sharing of info and willingness to help or assist is superb.
I have to agree with Wayne as well. If it wasn't for help from the forum members, I wouldn't be getting these results for my builds. For that I thank one and all.
I would just like to say that, 1), I echo Bills post, and 2), While I really appreciate the honor, I still think that everybody's entries were better. (Not that I will give up my #1. It tickles me to no end! And at my age,... well, just leave it at that.)
My thanks to all the judges, (the post-dated checks are in the mail), And, well, bye, bye, and buy bonds!

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