Junkers Ju 88 A-4, 6./II.KG 30 (Luftflotte 5 East) WNr.0881777 4D+IP....

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Well, that is interesting....autopilot, again! 🤨🤔


Junkers Ju 88 A-4 Jänkisjärvi, Haparanda Sweden, 6./II.KG 30 (Luftflotte 5 East) WNr.0881777,
4D+IP, 28/08/1942....

Ran out of fuel due to an navigational error. The crew bailed out and landed safely in area Rovaniemi/ Kemijärvi in Finland.
The ac continued flying on autopilot until it hit ground at Jänkisjärvi. The wreck was removed to Linköping and sold as scrap in 1944.
This aircraft ( 4D+PP 6./KG 30) also made a belly landing at Bardufoss Airfield 17.03-42 due to an engine failure.


Source: Ju 88 Jänkisjärvi

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