Kagero books....

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Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Does any of their Fw 190 books contain decals for Bar's Fw 190A-7 'Red 13'?
I know that Hasegawa made a 1/32 kit with the 'Red 13' and 'Red 23', which seems to be hard to find now...
Kagero's website is giving me nothing but headache! :lol:
Wish that they would get a proper translated website in English instead for Google Translate! :lol:

Gonna get their JG 27 Vol IV, to get my 'Red 13' for Bartels G-6, as ED's is long OOP... :(

The English issue of the Kagero book should have the decals for FW 190A-7, (W.Nr 431007), Maj Heinz Bär, II./JG 1, 1944 r.

To be honest I haven't seen the decal sheet coming with the book. It is included to the English language publication of it only and it can't be bought here in Poland.

But there is a profile in the book ( both in Polish and English issue ) so I think it is for the same plane..

Just the one that I'm looking for! :)
I'll have a wee snoop around then...thanks awfully old boy! ;) :)
You'r welcome... my favourite Old Viking. :D

The decal sheet is for 1/72 and 1/48 scale as memo serves. No markings for 1/32 scale. But I might to find out... if you wish.
JG 1014 1 Oesau 1944-1945 • Marek J. Murawski • ISBN 83-89088-45-2
Stron 88 Page 88
82 fotografie, 7 stron plansz barwnych z 9 sylwetkami samolotów. 82 photos, 7 pages of color charts with nine silhouettes of aircraft.
Kalkomania w skalach 1:72 i 1:48 malowań: Decals in 1:72 and 1:48 scales liveries:
FW 190A-6, Maj. FW 190A-6, May. Hans-Günther von Kornatzki, Sturmstaffel 1, 1944 r. • FW 190A-7, (W.Nr 340035), Maj. Hans-Günther von Kornatzki, Sturmstaffel 1, 1944 • FW 190A-7, (W.Nr 340 035), May. Emil- Emil-
Rudolf Schnoon, I./JG 1, 1944 r. • FW 190A-9, (W.Nr 980219), Ofhr. Rudolf Schnoon, I. / JG 1, 1944 • FW 190A-9, (W.Nr 980 219), Ofhr. Wilhelm Ade, 2./JG 1, 1945 r. • FW 190A-7, William Ade, 2./JG 1, 1945 • FW 190A-7,
(W.Nr 430965), Hptm. (W.Nr 430 965), Hptm. Alfred Grislawski, 1./JG 1, 1944 r. • FW 190A-7, (W.Nr 431007), Maj Heinz Bär, II./JG 1, Alfred Grislawski, 1./JG 1, 1944 • FW 190A-7, (W.Nr 431 007), May Heinz Bär, II. / JG 1,
1944 r. • Bf 109G-6/AS, Ofw. • Bf 1944 109G-6/AS, OFW. Friedrich Zander, 7./JG 1, 1944 r. • Bf 109G-6/U2, (W.Nr 413601), Uffz. Friedrich Zander, 7./JG 1, 1944 • 109G-6/U2 Bf, (W.Nr 413 601), Uffz. Jakkob Vogel, Jakkob Vogel,
8./JG 1, 1944 r. • He 162A-2, (W.Nr 120022), Lt. 8./JG 1, 1944 • He 162A-2, (W.Nr 120 022), Lt. Rudolf Schmitt, 1./JG 1, 1945 r. Rudolf Schmitt, 1./JG 1, 1945

Seem to be only 1/72 and 1/48 nowadays, used to be 1/32 as well.... :(
Who?? :lol: Yup, the JG27 book is next on the agenda, as soon as I get 1/32 '109G-6! 8)

It's funny though, the decals in their JG1 1944-45 is only in 1/72 and 1/48 it says.
Also, emailed the shop that has the one 1/32 Hasegawa Fw 190A-7 'Bar', but haven't recieved an answer yet.... :(
Can't sign up either, as they have only the US states in the system, bl**dy annoying, as the kit is 'only' $39 I think.
The link to this place is in my '13' thread... :(

Cheers lads!

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