Operaion Gi, IJA parachute drop on Leyte- what transports did the Japanese paratroopers use?

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Senior Airman
May 1, 2016
I'm reading Twilight of the Gods, by Ian Toll ( third book of his Trilogy on the Pacific War, very good). He writes about Operation Gi, a para drop on Leyte. What transport aircraft did the IJN have at this point in the War?
I'm reading Twilight of the Gods, by Ian Toll ( third book of his Trilogy on the Pacific War, very good). He writes about Operation Gi, a para drop on Leyte. What transport aircraft did the IJN have at this point in the War?
The various Gi operations were AIUI not intended as para dropping missions. The idea was to land the aircraft on the airfield being attacked as a suicide mission. Op Gi (ii) to airfields on Leyte used 4 L2D Tabby aircraft according to this.

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