Saw a very disturbing video today

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1st Sergeant
Jun 15, 2011
Fresno, California
Today I saw a very disturbing video. I won't be posting any links to it since it is too sickening. I didn't listen to the audio as the images of men having their throats cut and then hung up in a slaughter house were bad enough. ISIS recorded this atrocity and then proudly released it. These people and others like them are sadistic animals and any one wishing to join them should be shot.
Problem is, the media isn't covering a slaughter that is far worse than what's going on in the middle-east and it's right here in the new world.

The Mexican cartels have been committing atrocities to victims that would make an insurgant's stomach churn, and in far greater numbers. No one is exampt from their madness: 85 year old women, Nuns, tourists, policemen, villagers, prostitutes, rival cartel members, their own members and even children.
Oh damn, really? You're right. Nothing about it on the news. I guess because they don't post videos. Take a special kind of sick to do that.
Even when they murder American police officers, like in Texas or Arizona, it barely gets air-time.

When they murder high-profile Mexican officials like a Judge, Mayor or Police Chief, not a word on our news.

I could suggest a google image search using the keyword "Mexican Cartel Atrocities" or "Mexican Cartel Murders", but I will give a VERY strong warning that the resutls will be incredibly disturbing.
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