Spitfire IX EN190 Colin F. Gray

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Chief Master Sergeant
Jan 18, 2011
Here is one of my projects: Spitfire IX EN190 flown by Colin F. Gray during March and early April 1943.
But I've a problem..... :( Sources differ regarding the code of EN190: some says FL A and other says FL K... I found both on the web...!!!
My opinion: I think EN190 was coded FL A when flown by C. F. Gray, when EN520 arrived in 81 Sqn late in March 1943, she became the one flown by C. F. Gray and coded FL A from mid April 1943 and then the code of EN190 has changed for FL K. EN190 was registered FL K when hit by flak and crash landed 9-5-1943...

Any advice or opinion ? :) TIA
Tracker, thank you for the link... I visited this thread but no information about EN190 and her code.
The only thing I found it's the confirmation of EN190 and EN520 in 81 Sqn during the same time late April 1943 .
From 81 Sqn log book => EN520 Flown by C. F. Gray 29-4-1943 and EN190 flown by another pilot (P/O D. F. Husband ?) 30/4/1943...
le Steph.JPG
le Steph1.JPG

Thanks Geo :thumbright:
Now, I have the confirmation of both aircrafts during the same time in the same unit. Like Andy said: "Your scenario is plausible. It would not be impossible for an aircraft to change code letters." But apparently no existing picture of EN190 flown by C. F. Gray therefore, no confirmation about the code FL A for this aircraft. Aces High Vol1 Vol2 by C. Shores and C. Williams talk about FL A about EN190.
So, I think to build a Spitfire IX EN190 coded FL A flown by C. F. Gray during March and early April 1943 hoping not to make a mistake...
Nice project mate, and sounds like a good deduction (great info Geo!)

Recoding did occur btw, though I don't know how often. For example, Spitfire LF.Mk.IXc MK732 of No.485 (NZ) Sqn, originally coded OU-Q, was recoded OU-U after application of invasion bands, apparently as the new paintscheme confused the pilot! (He also renamed her from 'Baby Bea IV' to 'Baby Bea V' accordingly! :) )

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