The Douglas B18 and B23, America's Forgotten Warriors.

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Senior Master Sergeant
Oct 16, 2007
Conroe, Texas
Never knew this odd bird in Daton did so much durning the war. Nice book on the history of the B18.
Take it for what it's worth, but I read in an issue of Air Classics from the early eighties that Doolittle wanted to use the B-23 Dragon to bomb Japan from the Hornet, but the wing span was too wide.
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Reasons why the B23 was the first choice: No B25B available. B23 wing span at 97 feet could clear the island but less could be parked on the deck. B23 were expendable. B23 at normal power could clear 50 ft height in 1465 feet. B25B needed 2130 feet. B23 at max bomb load could fly at 172 mph at 30% power at a range of 3600 miles. The B25B at 33% power ran at 200 mph with a max range of 2600 miles. B23 could make the flight armed with full crew and 3 .30 cal and the .50 cal in the tail. And the B23 could have reached the fields in China.
Agree, It does appear a Vought. With my eyes, the shadow at the wing root appeared to be a wheel well.

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