The Weather Where You Live? (4 Viewers)

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Maybe 21C, and some of that wet stuff part of the day, maybe!

Looks like a lot more of the wet stuff for you and me if the Bureau of Meteorology Misinformation is correct.
Does earthquake count as weather?
Nope - except in Southern California, we used to observe a weather condition that we referred to as "earthquake weather", which was where it was unusually dry, warm and completely calm wind.
During this weather event, it seemed that we experienced more earthquakes than during other weather conditions.
Nope - except in Southern California, we used to observe a weather condition that we referred to as "earthquake weather", which was where it was unusually dry, warm and completely calm wind.
During this weather event, it seemed that we experienced more earthquakes than during other weather conditions.


I'm quoting another station here: "Not L.A. worthy"

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