Drake's Drum: The Peace of Amiens is the first part of a four book series that recount an alternate timeline where the history of the 20th Century turns out very differently from what we know.

Although the focus is on the UK and to a lesser extent the United States, this is very much an alternate history that takes in the entire
world. Politics, economics, international relations, technology and warfare are all much changed. Aviation is greatly affected by the different circumstances of this timeline as noted in another thread on ww2aircraft.net that showcases many designs that never flew in our time line but do in Drake's Drum.

The first three books have already been published, the fourth is due to be released in the next couple of weeks. Drake's Drum: The Peace of Amiens ISBN : ‎ 978-1689121415 Drake's Drum: The Reckoning ISBN ‏ : ‎ 979-8671107159 Drake's Drum: Currents of Fate ISBN‏ : ‎ 979-8549769397

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Nick Sumner
First release
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